Soft Tissue Injuries
Face and Neck
Head and Spine

The body cannot tolerate an acute blood loss of greater than

20% of total blood volume

More than 2 pints


Blast Injuries

Primary Blast Injury - injuries caused by blast wave itself

Secondary Blast Injury - Injuries caused by flying debris

Tertiary Blast Injury - Injuries to body from being thrown or hurled by force of explosion


What is a primary concern in an open neck injury?

Possibility of air embolism


Axial Loading Injuries

Injuries where load is applied along vertical or longitudinal axis of the spine

You are dispatched to an assault in downtown. You find the patient who is holding his swollen face, a lready beginning to show signs of early bruising. When you attempt to get a history, he mutters his answers through gritted teeth, which are crooked when you attempt to examine it. When asked if he feels any pain, he shakes his head. 

Mandible fracture


Hemostatic Dressing

dressing impregnated with chemical compound that slows or stops bleeding by promoting clot formation


Compartment Syndrome

develops when edema and swelling 


What cartilage forms the Adam's apple?

Thyroid cartilage


Spinal Column

Cervical (7) Thoracic (12) Lumbar (5) Sacral (5) Coccyx (4)


You are dispatched to a home in the suburbs where a man explains he has new symptoms. When you arrive, you notice the patient has racoon eyes, and upon further assessment, you identify battle signs and CSF leaking from his ears. 

Basilar skull fractures


S/S of Internal Bleeding

Bonus: Most common?

Pain, tenderness, bruising, guarding, swelling, distention, tachycardia, melena, hematemesis, hematuria, hemoptysis, hematoma

B: Pain


Three functions of bandages and dressings

To control bleeding, protect wound from further damage, prevent further contamination



Bleeding into the anterior chamber of the eye that obscures part or all of the iris 


What signifies increased ICP?

Cushing Reflex: increased systolic blood pressure, decreased heart rate, irregular respirations 


You are dispatched to a local gym where a man has been hit in a boxing spar. He denies having any pain when asked, but he responds that he is seeing floaters in his field of vision and flashing lights. He says it kind of feels like he's looking through a cloud. 

Retinal detachment 


Methods to control bleeding, in order

Direct pressure, pressure dressing, tourniquet, splinting device 


Classify the three degrees of burns

Superficial - involve only epidermis, often painful

Partial Thickness - Involve epidermis and some portion of dermis, skin is moist, mottled, white to red, blisters present

Full Thickness - Extend through all skin layers, may involve subcutaneous layers, muscle, bone, internal organs, burned area is dry, leathery, may appear white/dark brown/charred, burned area may have no feeling


What kind of burn to the eye is often not painful at first but may become so 3-5 hours after injury?

Light burns


Central Neurogenic Hyperventilation

Abnormal breathing pattern associated with increased ICP, characterized by rapid and deep breathing


You are dispatched to a patient who has hit her head. She complains of a sudden severe headache and a sort of stiffness in her neck. Upon further assessment, you determine there is a change in pupils and there is a fluctuating level of consciousness. 

Subarachnoid hemorrhage


Describe arterial bleeding, venous bleeding, and capillary bleeding

Arterial - Bright red, spurts in time with pulse

Venous - Darker red than arterial, can flow rapidly/slowly depending on size of vein

Capillary - Dark red, oozes slowly but steadily 


Write out the Rule of Nines as per the Limmer Education

Adult - 9% head, 18% torso/back, 9% arms, 18% legs, 1% groin

Child/Infant - 18% head, 18% torso/back, 9% arms, 14% legs, 1% groin


Blow-Out Fracture, S/S

Blunt trauma causes a displaced fracture of the orbit

Pain, double-vision, decreased vision


Write out GCS

Eye opening: Spontaneous (4) Response to Sound (3) Response to Pressure (2) None (1)

Verbal: Oriented (5) Confused (4) Inappropiate Words (3) Incomprehensible Sounds (2) None (1)

Motor: Obey Commands (6) Localizes Pressure (5) Withdraw from Pressure (4) Abnormal flexion (3) Abnormal extension (2) None (1)


You are dispatched to an MVC where the driver is semiconscious in the front seat. The steering wheel has slight damage to the front, and there are fast and then slow respirations, decreased pulse rate, sluggish pupils, and decerebrate posturing. 

Increased ICP 

