How can you be a scholar in the classroom?
• One Mic, one voice
• Use identified voice level
• Use kind words and school appropriate language
• Try your best on all work
• Be safe and actively engaged in your assigned space
How can you be a scholar in the Hallway/Breezeway?
• Silent level 0 when walking by other classrooms that are learning
• Go directly to the destination and respect what’s going on around you
How can you be a scholar in the Bathroom?
• Respect others’ privacy
• Conserve water by only using it to wash our hands
How can you be a scholar in the cafeteria?
• Wait patiently
• Use kind words
• Use listening ears
How can you be a scholar on the playground?
• Include others when we play
• Take turns
• Play in the correct area
• Snacks should be eaten in the cafeteria or benches
How can you be a team player in the classroom?
• Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself
• Use materials properly
• Participate in the assigned activity
• Treat classmates the way you want to be treated
• Encourage each other's efforts
How can you be a team player in the Hallway/Brezzeway?
• Report problems or accidents to a trusted adult
• Be aware of others around you
How can you be a team player in the bathroom?
• Use paper towels to dry our hands.
• We only use toilet paper to wipe
• One student in a stall at a time
• Be sure to flush
How can you be a team player in the cafeteria?
• Keep hands and feet to ourselves
• Walk and use a level 1
• Respect our custodians
How can you be a team player on the playground?
• Respect equipment
• Play fairly/follow game rules
• Report problems or accidents to adults
• Pick up and return all equipment when recess is over
How can you be accountable in the classroom?
• Follow directions given
• Complete daily assignments
and bring them to class
• Be honest about your actions
• Clean up after yourself
• Recognize your feelings & choose a strategy to help you
• Ask if you don’t understand
How can you be accountable in the hallway/breezeway?
• Holding passes
• Walking feet
• Hands to self
• Admire bulletin boards with eyes, not hands
How can you be accountable in the bathroom?
• Get in, Get out, Get back
• Wash and dry our hands
• Keep the doorways clear
How can you be accountable in the cafeteria?
• Throw away trash & recycle
• Clean up after ourselves
• Help others
• Food is for eating only
How can you be accountable on the playground?
• Use good sportsmanship including safe hands and feet
• See a stranger, tell an adult
• After hearing the warning, line up for water or use the
bathroom if needed. After hearing the final bell, put away equipment and line up promptly
How can you be resilient in the classroom?
• Mistakes are a time to learn. I try again
• Be helpful and cooperate with others
• Ask for help
• Don’t give up if the work is hard
How can you be resilient in the hallway/breezeway?
• Go straight to where you’re headed, no stopping or playing on the way
How can you be resilient in the bathroom?
• Report problems to the closest adult
• Clean up messes
How can you be resilient in the cafeteria?
• Ask for help
• Think of others feelings before speaking
• Mistakes are a time to learn. We let the little things go.
How can you be resilient on the playground?
• If there is a disagreement, we talk it out and clear it up or ro sham bo