Force and Motion
Grab Bag
This is where the protons and neutrons are located
What is nucleus
You pull on a rope with a force of 50 Newtons and your dog pulls on the same rope with an equal force. Describe this interaction.
What is a balanced force?
This movement of the Earth causes day and night
What is rotation?
The Himalaya mountains in India were created by this type of plate movement.
What is a convergent boundary?
This level of the food chain has the most energy
What is the producer?
When an atom has more electrons then protons
What is a negatively charged atom?
In a science experiment testing Force = Mass x Acceleration Destinie changed the force she pushed a car but did not change the mass. The force would be the Independent Variable and the mass is the __________.
What is a constant?
Joel pushes the chair with a force of 50 Newtons left and Siony pushes the chair with a force of 35 Newtons right. The net force is
What is 15 Newtons?
A neutral atom has the same number of what two subatomic particles?
What are protons and electrons?
Chemicals fall into a pond ecosystem and kill off all of the goldfish. This will cause the amount of plankton to
What is increase?
Elements in group 18 all have this in common.
What is valence electrons?
A fish pushes its fins backwards and moves forward - this is an example of this Newton's Law
What is an action reaction force?
The GPS stops working on a boat - during which moon phase will the captain be able to navigate the best?
What is the new moon?
Carbon is a m/nm/md?
What is nonmetal?
The sea anemones give protection to the crab using its stinging cells, and it remoulds its shell to fit the crab while the hermit crab allows the sea anemones to consume the remains of its food. THis is what kind of relationship?
What is mutualism?
During a lab, you mix five chemicals together in a closed bag. There is no noticeable change in color or temperature but the bag inflates. How do you know that there is a chemical change?
What is the bag inflating? or What is the creation of gas?
A car travels 500 km in 2.5 hours before stopping for the night in Dallas. How fast did the train go?
What is 200 km/hour?
This moon phase precedes a First Quarter Moon and follows a new moon.
What is a waxing crescent?
SO3 + H2O --> H2SO4 (All numbers are subscripts)
What is an unbalanced equation?
Wild male sheep charge each other and bash their horns against one another. Why are they doing this?
What is competing for mates?
There are three elements - one has 1 electron, one has 10 electrons, and one has 17 electrons - which is the most stable?
What is the atom with 10 electrons?
Sindy is playing mini-golf and after hitting the 4 gram ball it accelerates 80 m/s2. How hard did she hit the ball?
What is 320 Newtons?
You and a friend are going hiking. You ask him to map out the root on a topographic map. You notice that your path is crossing a number of contour lines. How would you describe your path?
What is steep?
The water in an ecosystem is a non-living part. It is important because it allows plants and animals to live. What is another way to describe water?
What is an abiotic factor?
A construction company is trying to buy a park in Houston and wants to build six houses there. How would this impact the animals living there?
What is the animals would not have a place to live and would either migrate or die?