What direction points opposite of North?
Which body part do we listen with?
Our Ears
What is the most common thing a pirate says?
What time does the Club close?
What is Ms Ashleys favorite Vacation Spot?
What directions points opposite of East?
How do we see sound on a machine?
Sound waves
What else do pirates say?
Which Staff used to attend Boys and Girls Club
Ms Gemi
When is Memos birthday?
August 7th
What are horizontal lines, or lines running across the Earth from east to west, called?
Does sound travel fast through the air or through metal?
Fill in the statement
Walk the _______?
Walk the Plank
What do we call the last hour of program?
Power Hour
How old is Ms. Yoali?
What are vertical lines, or lines running up and down the Earth from north to south, called?
If sound goes through metal faster than air how much faster does it go?
a: 10x faster
b: 12x faster
c: 18x faster
18x faster
What animals serve as helpers and pets to pirates?
How much does a BGC shirt cost at the BGC Store?
What is Ms Michelle studying in school right now?
Can you name 3 different types of maps?
Road maps, River maps, Physical maps, Political maps, and Topographical Maps
What machine tracks sound from the video?
What do you call a group or a team of pirates?
What are the 4 BGC Rules?
1. Respect Yourself
2. Respect Others
3. Respect Materials
4. Take responsibility for your own actions
What is Ms Briandas favorite artist?
Kendrick Lamar