How long do employers look at your resume for? How can you make your resume standout from all the others? 

Employers quickly skim through your resume, usually spending a few seconds on each. 

Therefore it is important to have important and relavant information only on your resume. Other extra information can be distracting, you want them to focus on the important information. 


What are 2 things you can do to prepare for your inerview? 

practice your answers to the most common interview questions in your head, practice infront of a mirror, practice roleplaying with a family member/friends, research the company, think of questions to ask the interviewer, etc...


When should I call in sick for my shift? 

As soon as possible, you want to give your employeer enough time to find someone to cover. If you feel sick the night before, you should let your boss know the night before. 

Calling in 5 or 10 minutes before your scehduled shift is unnacceptable. 


Are you allowed to take your bike on the bus? 

Yes! all translink busses have bike racks attached to the front of the bus that can fit two bikes at a time. 


The best way to start a statement on your resume is with what type of word?

Strong action verbs. For example, created, arranged, deligated, operated, proposed, etc. 


At the end of my interview the interviewer asks me if I have any questions for them, what do I say? Should I say I have no questions? 

It's important to always ask a question, it shows that you are interested. Stating that you have no questions can make you seem uninterested. 


What are three skills you need to be a good cashier? 

Friendly and positive attitude, basic math skills, good communication skills, attention to detail, product knowledge, etc... there are many useful skills for this job, decide as a group if answer was correct


What bus do we take to the Willowbrook Mall (from the office)? 

370- Willowbrook or

320- Langley Centre


Who's one person I could use a reference and one person I shouldn't use as a refernce. 

Can use: Teacher, mentor, previous boss/supervisor, volunteering manager/supervisor, coworkers, coach, etc.

Shouldn't use: Parents, siblings, friends, roomates, relatives (unless otherwise stated), anyone who's not expecting a call, a previous boss you didn't get along with, etc. 


What are 3 interview questions you may be asked during an interview? 

Can you tell me about yourself? 

What are your strengths/weaknesses?

Why are interested in this company/ working here?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What do you know about this organziation/company?

ETC... There are many answers, decide as a group if answers were correct. 


If I wanted a job working in an office, what are three good skills to have? 

attention to detail, strategic planning and scheduling skills, verbal and written communication skills, teamwork skills, experience using Microsoft Office, etc... there are many useful skills.


What bus do you take from the office to get to Guildford?

320- surrey central

or the 342- newton exchange and the 375- guildford. 


What does GPA stand for and when should I put it on my resume? 

Grade Point Average. 

you should only put your GPA if it's over 3.0. 

4.0= A+

3.5= B+

3.0= B

What should I aviod talking about in an interview
About your personal life, religion, politics, bad experiences with previous bosses, using unprofessional language, etc...

When you get your first job, what's a new responsibility you now have? (hint: it's occurs once a year)

TAXES! Tax season is in April, your employer sends you your T4 (a document used to fill out tax forms) in Feburary. 


What's the bus route from the office to City Centre Library? 

320- Surrey Central Station. 
