Assessments/Screenings Cont.'d
Documents/ Evidence

What is the standards called that you have in your classroom?

K-12 Standards for School Age

Early Learning Development Standards (ELDS) for all other are groups


What is your curriculum called?

Cincy After School- School Age

Creative Curriculum - All other ages


What do we use for informal assessments?

Anecdotal Notes

Observations/Work Samples



What is the classroom assessment tool that we use?

NAC Classroom Observation


How often does SUTQ do in person visits? Who usually does these visits?

SUTQ visits are completed once every years and are completed by the same specialist(s) that do our licensing visit. 

If they see any Moderate or Serious Risk licensing violations while doing the SUTQ visit, they can write us out of compliance for them.


Where are the ELDS kept ?

In the teacher cabinet


Preschool and Pre-K, what are the lessons called that are available to you on the cloud? Can you name 4 of them?


Lots of options:

Balls, boxes, trees, bread, buildings, exercise, light, roads, signs, etc.


What is the Screening Tool we use?

ASQ's - Ages and Stages Questionnaire


How is screening information shared with families?

Screenings- Communicated upon completion via the scoring sheet.

Any scores in the black warrant a meeting with the parents to discuss if any further referrals are needed.


What is your process for rotating materials?

Materials are rotated based on the needs and interests of the children as well as the current study/topic. 

Materials are rotated and shared between classrooms throughout the year. New materials are also added based on the topics being discussed.


What are the ELDS?

key concepts and skills of development for children birth-5 years


What evidence do you have in your classroom that demonstrates a connection to the curriculum?

The easiest answer is : Centers

Centers are set up to address all of the standards in the ELDS. 

Additionally, items are added to the classroom based on the current study/topic. Items are added to show evidence of learning (work samples, writing samples, etc.) 


How often are Screenings Required and who completes them?

Parent completes initial ASQ upon enrollment. If parent does not, then teacher must complete within 60 days of enrolling.

Teacher will complete annually thereafter.


How is assessment information provided to families?

Assessments- Families are provided information through Parent Teacher Conferences in Spring and Fall. 


Action Plan Process

Once the NAC Classroom observation is completed, each lead teacher meets with the admin to discuss the scores. The teacher is then able to choose one area to create a goal. This goal is then documented on the Classroom Action Plan (CAP).


What is the purpose of the ELDS?

To support the development and well-being of children and foster their learning. They give a set of expectations for children's development and learning, guide the implementation of curriculum, assessment and instruction.


Describe your process for creating and offering opportunities for exploration and learning?

Lessons are created based on the needs, interests, and abilities of the children. Children are allowed/encouraged to use materials in open ended ways.


What is the purpose of informal assessments?

Used to better design instructional activities to support the development of each child across all domains. Used to collect evidence to support the rating during formal assessments (TSGold)


How often are Informal assessments completed?

How often are Formal assessments completed?

Informal- On-going basis, at minimum each week (more often daily)

Formal- Quarterly (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)


Where do you document progress on your Classroom Action Plan?

The bottom half of the form is used to document progress made and new goals can be created if the previous ones were met.


How many domains are in the ELDS?


Approaches to Learning, Cognitive Develop., Creative Develop., Language & Literacy, Mathematics, Physical Develop. & Wellness, Science, Social/Emotional, Social Studies


What is the method for Analyzing and Interpreting Assessment Date and How do you modify your instructional strategies to meet the needs, interests, and emerging abilities of all children?

Assessment Date (Observations/Anecdotal Notes, Child Goals, and TS Golds) are interpreted and analyzed during planning time. This date is used to create individual activities for children based on any trends or concerns that are observed to focus on the needs of the individual children to meet them where they are at the time.


What is the purpose of Formal Assessments

Used to report information on the child's progress during the recent quarter. Shows progress across time.


What is the difference between a Screening and an Assessment?

Screening- used to see where a child is at a specific point in time (Snapshot). Show how a child's development compares to other children the same age.

Assessment-  Used to identify children's developmental strengths and potential needs across time. (shows progress)


What is the process for completing your Professional Development Plan?

Once Formal Teacher observations are completed and Classroom observations are completed, the teacher sits down with the administrator to fill out the PDP based on 3 areas. Personal Goal (what you want to get more training on), Professional Goal (based off of formal observation), and Classroom (based off of classroom observation).
