This sibling is a whistleblower.
Who is Kate?
I was in no mood, I barely got 10 hours of sleep last night.
Who is Haley Dunphy
My god I thought you were someone to rely on. Me? I guess I was a ________ __ ___ __.
What is "shoulder to cry on?"
This priest is a staple at BSS that loves to give out kisses.
Who is Father Kelly?
Stephen starred as this character in his 8th grade musical.
Who is Don Lockwood?
This sibling officially needs to lay off the gel.
Who is Johnny?
I text. LOL: laugh out loud. OMG: Oh, my God. WTF: Why the face? You know, I know all the dances to High School Musical.
Who is Phil Dunphy?
To give me all your love is all I ever asked cuz what you don’t understand is I'd _____ _ ______ __ ___.
What is "catch a grenade for you?"
While his homilies are long this priest has the voice to keep us awake.
Who is Father Rampino
This movie starring Anna Kendrick is Stephen’s favorite movie.
What is Pitch Perfect?
This sibling has many odd talents including various fart noises and expressionless laughs.
Who is MB
I would love to be wrong, but I don’t live with the right people for that.
Who is Claire Dunphy?
You’re everything I need and more. It’s written all over you face____, _ ___ ___ ____ ____.
What is "Baby I can see your halo?"
This priest is quite the sweaty fellow with a beard.
Who is Father Jaffy?
Due to the bondage in a shared room at our last beach trip Stephen and a sibling now call themselves this.
What are Roomies?
This sibling likes genes.
Who is Eddie?
Don't talk black to me. How do you even talk black end words with izzle?
Who is Luke Dunphy
I'm the one who sees you home now I’m ___ __ ___ ____
What is "Lost in the woods?"
Gven this priest’s name, we joke that he would murder Father Dyer.
Who is Father Killian?
Stephen named both of his nipples name one of them.
What are Nippoleon and Niptune?
This sibling is the smallest in size and likes to wear bandannas.
Who is Zuma?
I know you're concerned but I'm designing t-shirts now and they're gonna be huge.. also in medium and small.
Tell me something girl. Are you happy in this ______ ____.
These two sports enthusiasts one angry baseball fan and one balding hockey fan served Blessed Sacrament. Name both.
Who is Father Kevin and Father Shafer?
Eddie created this spell where the opposition gets maimed by a kitchen item.
What is "Pot Smack?"