Setting Boundaries

What is self-sabotage in recovery?

Rather than dealing with uncomfortable feelings, one resorts to old behaviors like using, picking fights, being reckless, etc. The user is their own worst enemy.


The limits we set for ourselves within relationships.

What are boundaries?


An international fellowship of men and women how have had a drinking problem.

What is Alcoholics Anonymous?


Name 1 example of spiritual self care.

What is:

- Spend time in nature, meditate, pray, recognize the things that give meaning to your life, act in accordance with your morals and values, set aside time for thought and reflection, participate in a cause that is important to you, appreciate art that is impactful to you.


Name a reason why someone would self-sabotage their own recovery.

What is:

- Change is uncomfortable, recovery is hard, fear of failure, overwhelmed by the though of being sober forever, not maintaining their recovery skills.


Someone with _____ boundaries may be taken advantage of or put in uncomfortable situations, or may violate others boundaries and disclose too much information about themselves in inappropriate situations. 

What are weak?


What is the requirement for AA/NA membership?

What is the desire to stop using?


Addiction is considered a _______ because it changes the brain's structure and functioning. It is not caused by poor willpower or character flaws.

What is a disease?


This is a sign/symptom of self-sabotage one may experience when they do not spend time discovering new hobbies/skills/interests to fill one's time when not using or going to treatment.

What is boredom?


When we express our boundaries, we want to be ________, as opposed to aggressive or passive.

What is assertive?


Name 1 alternative to AA/NA.

What is: Celebrate recovery, SMART recovery, Rational Recovery, Gain anonymous, gambling anonymous.


Name a chronic (long-term) symptom of stress.

What is:

- fatigue, irritability, inability to concentrate, headache, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, depression, etc.


This is a sign/symptom of self-sabotage in which the recovering addict believes "I'm not like these other people," "I can do this on my own," "I don't need any more help," "I've done it all," etc.

What is ego?


Situation: You have completed program for 12 months. A friend, who you know to be in active use, texts you and asks for a ride to their dealer's house. How do you respond?

What is:

- "Hi, I'm not comfortable doing that for you. I'm working hard to maintain my sobriety and I'm doing really well. If you'd like to come to a meeting with me sometime, I'd be happy to give you a ride."


How is Celebrate Recovery different from AA/NA?

What is:

It is Faith based. 


Name the stage of grief: In this stage, the user may experiment with drinking or using in difference capacities. Such as trying to cut back or control use.

What is bargaining?


This is a sign of self-sabotage in which the recovering addict believes they are not worthy of recovery, they are too weak to do it on their own, they are a failure, etc.

What is negative self-talk?


Situation: You have been sober for 5 years. You're being pressured to not go to your sober support meetings by your boss, because they want to give you more hours than 40. How do you respond?

What is:

I realize you wanna give me more hours. It's hard for me to not go to my meetings because they are important for my recovery.


What is the first step of NA/AA?

What is:

-We admitted we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable 


When practicing any deep breathing technique, your exhale must be ________ than your inhale.

What is longer?
