Jim must give a copy of his plans to his mom.
Name the open syllable.
What is -py in copy?
The suffixes -ty, -ly, and -ment are this type of suffix.
What is a consonant suffix?
This syllable contains a single vowel followed by an r. The vowel is neither long nor short.
What is an R-Controlled Syllable?
This syllable contains a vowel digraph or a diphthong.
What is the Double Vowel or "D" Syllable?
ACE, ICE, ILE and AGE are all examples of this syllable type.
What is the Vowel-Consonant-E Exception?
Read the word: crozump
What is cro (open) zump (closed)?
The suffixes -er, -ish, and -able are this type of suffix.
What is a vowel suffix?
The e followed by the letters rr in the word cherry is called this.
What is the R-Controlled Exception?
The letters ai, ay and a-e all can make this sound sound.
What is the long 'a' sound?
When you add a vowel suffix to a base word ending in the letter 'e', you drop the 'e' before adding the suffix.
What is the Silent E Suffix Rule?
Spell the 2 syllable word that completes the sentence.
Jill likes to have _________with her turkey.
What is gravy?
The -ed in the predicted makes this sound?
What is /ed/?
The or in the word harbor makes this sound.
What is the /er/ sound?
The letters ee, ey, and ea all can make this sound.
What is the long 'e' sound?
A word that has 1 syllable, 1 vowel, and 1 consonant after the vowel is called this.
What is 1 syllable, 1 vowel, and 1 consonant?
The ref needed to compute the score for the game.
How many v-e syllables are there? Name each one.
What is 3?
compute, score, game
How many sounds does the suffix -ed make?
Say the sounds.
What is 3?
/ed, /d/, and /t/
Spell the words that completes this sentence.
The __________told Mary to go the __________to pick up her medicine.
What is doctor and pharmacy?
The letters oe, oa and ow all can make this sound.
What is the long 'o' sound?
Spell the 4 syllable and 2 syllable words that complete this sentence.
The battery is ______________so plug it into the ________.
What is rechargeable and socket?
The melody made the child smile.
Name the two open syllables and the one exception.
What is -o- and -dy in melody?
What is child?
Spell the 3 syllable word that fits. Hint: There are 2 suffixes.
________, my cell phone still works after falling into the puddle.
What is hopefully?
suffixes -ful & -ly
Tell the 5 keywords for the -R controlled syllable.
What is car, her, bird, horn, burn?
Tell how many syllables and what kind are in the word,
What is 4?
en (closed), ter (-r controlled), tain (-D syllable), ing (suffix/closed).
Spell the 2 syllable word that completes this sentence.
The boy thought he missed the solar eclipse that ___________ last night.
What is occurred?