Distress Tolerance
Relationship Building (Interpersonal Effectiveness)
Emotion Regulation
Application of DBT Steps-A skills

What is an example of "Emotion Mind"?

There are many!  One example of Emotion Mind is if a classmate is taunting me during a kickball game at recess and I react by yelling at or punching him.


What temperature on the Feelings Thermometer do we have if we are in distress?

70 or higher.


What are two essential parts of any relationship that we've discussed in class? 

Trust and Communication.


What type of "Exercise" of PLEASE skills have you been doing during the last couple of weeks at home?

Hopefully you've been doing different forms of exercise, even if more challenging in the cooler weather!  I've been especially enjoying hiking with my dog, Lucky.


Barbara respectfully tells her mother she needs more attention, even when her young sibling is acting needy.  What module of DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is she working on?

Interpersonal Effectiveness (Communication skills in Relationship Building).


What might be a consequence of making an Emotionally Minded decision.

When emotions are in control of us, we often can get into trouble and/or hurting relationships with others.


Please name at least two of our Wise Mind ACCEPTS skills?  

Activities              Contributing

Comparisons         Emotion (change your)

Pushing Away        Thoughts (change your)



When communicating, what are at least two of the GIVE skills?

Gentle (be)

Interested (be)

Validate (feelings)

Easy-going manner (use an)


Please fill in the blanks:

Emotion Regulation is about learning skills to ___________ positive emotions and _________ unpleasant emotions?

Emotion Regulation is about learning skills to INCREASE positive emotions and REDUCE unpleasant emotions?


Why is it so important to use our PLEASE skills on a regular basis?  What and how is a PLEASE skill you remember to use to take care of yourself? 

PLEASE: (treating) PhysicaL illness, (balanced) Eating, Avoiding harmful things, (balanced) Sleep, (getting) Exercise.


Why do we need "Fact (or Rational) Mind"?

Without Fact Mind, people could not build homes, roads, cities, treat illnesses or do science.  It helps us look at JUST THE FACTS.  


What are some ways we can change our body Sensations when we're experiencing intense emotion?

hint: The last of the ACCEPTS skills.

We can shift our body chemistry by doing various things such as short, intense exercise, holding an ice cube, splashing cold water on our face, etc.

Please share SELF-VALIDAtiNG statements you might use in your head after making a mistake/doing something embarrassing.

examples:  This is hard.  

I've been working so hard at soccer and wish I had made that goal!

I feel uncomfortable. 

It feels like others are judging me. However, they are my friends and will understand.


What does it mean to do the Opposite Action when we experience an Action Urge based on an emotion? Please give an example.

Doing the opposite of what we want to do based on our emotion.


Rather than isolating when we're anxious/fearful, we engage with others.

Rather than being verbally aggressive toward someone with whom we're angry, we treat them kindly with a gentle tone.


One of your peers makes an obnoxious comment about you under his breath during class.  You have the urge to yell/hit him.  What ACCEPTS skill might you use to control this impulse?

One example: "Thoughts"- distracting your attention by filling your mind with other thoughts such as counting to 20 or naming the colors in the room.

A= Activities           E= Emotion         

C= Contributing      P= Pushing Away        

C= Comparisons     T= Thoughts      S= Sensations


When we are practicing mindfulness activities, what are internal and external distractions that can interfere?

We all get distracted.  Internal distractions are thoughts and feelings we experience.  External distractions are things in our environment such as sounds, sights and smells.  When practicing mindfulness, we acknowledge distractions without judging ourselves, let them float away and refocus on activity.  


What does it mean to "Radically Accept" something?

Radically Accepting is the process of accepting something difficult that we cannot control or change. 


What are at least two FAST skills and when might you use them to communicate effectively?

F= Fair

A= Don't (over) apologize

S = Stick to your values

T= be Truthful


What is a food that can make you "overly" emotional?

Foods with sugar and/or caffeine.


You feel torn because your closest friends are trying out for the school play but you aren't interested in it.  You're afraid you will miss out on social time by not being at the daily rehearsals with them.  You make a decision based on both your feelings and facts of the situation.  What kind of decision did you make?

You made a Wise Minded Decision!


When is a time you used your Wise Mind?

Hopefully you have numerous examples!  One example of using Wise Mind is even though I really miss playing sports with my friends, I didn't go with them to the basketball court because my parents told me I need to keep Social Distance from others during this Corona virus period.  


Please share an example of something that you've worked to Radically Accept?  Are you aware if by accepting, you were more able to cope with the situation?  

We all have difficult thing(s) in life that we cannot change.  

For example: What is something during the pandemic that has been very difficult to accept?


Please pick a peer to come to the front of the room and demonstrate validating peer's feelings in a conversation, even if you don't agree with her/his actions.

You can pick topic.  For example, your peer got very angry at recess and started yelling at you and others playing a game in which s/he felt like s/he was being treated unfairly.


What might be the benefit of trying Opposite Action when we experience an intense emotion?  

By doing Opposite Action, we most likely will lower the intensity of the emotion, allowing us to better cope and participate in whatever we are doing in the moment.


Please pick a peer to come to the front of the room and demonstrate how to use GIVE skills in a conversation, especially "V" Validating.

Remember we can always validate how someone is Feeling even if we don't agree with her/his choices behavior.
