Degree-Major Stereotypes
Career Stereotypes
School Stereotypes
Generational Stereotypes
Extremely Niche Stereotypes

This stereotype suggests that individuals studying *blank* are often introverted or socially awkward

What is Engineering?


Individuals who study *blank* are constantly self-analyzing and overthinking their own emotions.

What is Psychology?


This group is known for being socially awkward, highly intellectual, and more focused on studies than social activities.

What are Nerds?


This generation wants to be Youtubers or social media influencers.

What is Gen-Alpha?

This group of people often use phrases like "I'm not really into commitment; let's keep it casual.", "I'm just waiting for the right opportunity to come along.", and "I've been hurt before, so I'm cautious about getting too close." 

What are Emotionally Unavailable Men?


There's a stereotype that *blank* majors are constantly analyzing the behavior of others and maybe overly focused on mental health issues

What is Psychology?


A stereotypically female-dominated career that specializes in taking care of people.

What is Nursing?


These students are often associated with killing it on the court, being extremely popular, and being perceived as less academically inclined.

What are Jocks?


This stereotype characterizes *blank* as cynical, disengaged, or lacking loyalty to employers. It may assume a more skeptical outlook on institutions and a tendency to prioritize work-life balance over total career dedication.

What is Generation X?


Stereotyped as individuals who believe that grilling is an art form and that any meal can be improved with a touch of barbecue, possibly seen as the undisputed kings of backyard cookouts. They also may wear aprons that read "Kiss the cook."

What are BBQ Grill Masters?


This stereotype assumes that *blank* majors are impractical dreamers with little concern for the real world.

What is Philosophy? 


 Often stereotyped as socially awkward, spending long hours in front of a computer.  

What are IT Professionals? 


What non-recyclable group of people wear the color PINK on Wednesdays only?

What are The Plastics?


This stereotype characterizes *blank* as being constantly glued to their screens, emphasizing a heavy reliance on technology for communication and entertainment. It may overlook their ability to navigate the digital world effectively for various purposes, including education and activism.

What is Gen-Z?


This group is often stereotyped as individuals who broadcast themselves playing video games or engaging in other activities on the live-streaming platform

What are Twitch Streamers?


This stereotype suggests that *blank* education is less rigorous than other healthcare professions.

What is Nursing?


Sometimes perceived as underappreciated, underpaid, and having summers off.

What are Teachers?


This chill-vibes group of people often think that nobody notices that their eyes are glued shut or that they either haven't stopped talking or haven't spoken at all in the last hour.

What are Stoners?


People in this age group are often stereotyped as feeling entitled, expecting quick promotions and high salaries without putting in the necessary work or time 

What are Millenials? 


This group of people is often known to fall asleep everywhere, wake up at 5 am on Sundays, and respond "Hi Hungry, I'm *blank*" when you tell them you're hungry. 

What is Dads?


This stereotype suggests that individuals studying *blank* are destined for a life of financial struggle and instability.

What is Art?


This career is often looked down upon, and people assume that they are uneducated/unintelligent, they are all male, and that they are unreliable people. 

What are Construction Workers?


This group of people never. shut. up. about their school's rendition of Big Phish.

What are Theater Kids?


This age group is associated with conservative values, both socially and politically, although individual beliefs within the generation can vary widely.

What are Baby Boomers?


Stereotyped as individuals who document every aspect of their coffee shop experience, from the latte art to the cozy ambiance, possibly seen as making coffee shops their personal photo studio.

What are Coffee-Shop Instagrammers?
