What is Steven Universe's Full Name?
Steven Quartz Cutiepie Demayo Diamond Universe.
Who does Pearl have a crush on?
How did Amethyst crack her gem?
She fell off of a cliff and onto a rock.
Who are Garnet's components
Ruby & Sapphire.
Name every Crystal Gem fusion in Season 1-4.
Steven, Cotton Candy Garnet, Garnet Steven, Garnet, Opal, Sugilite, Sardonyx, Alexandrite, Stevonnie, Rainbow Quartz, & Smoky Quartz.
Who is Steven's crush?
Connie Maheswaran.
Who did Pearl used to have a crush on?
Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond.
Where is Amethysts gem placed?
On Her Chest.
Where is Garnet's 2 gems placed?
Ruby's gem on her left palm & Sapphire's on her right palm.
Name every Homeworld fusion.
Topaz, Rhodonite, Flourite, Lemon Jade, Mega Ruby, Ultimate Ruby, Zebra Jasper, Malachite, Crazy Lace Agate, & Watermelon Tourmaline.
What is Steven's weapon ?
A Shield.
What is Pearl's weapon?
A Spear/Trident.
What is Amethyst's weapon?
A Crystal Whip.
What is Garnet's weapon?
Two Crystal Gauntlets.
Name every fusion in Season 5.
Steven, Garnet, Lemon Jade, Smoky Quartz, Rainbow Quartz 2.0, Sunstone, & Obsidian.
What kind of backpack does Steven have?
A Cheeseburger Backpack.
What does Pearl not do?
What is Amethyst & Greg's favorite show?
Lil' Butler.
Who freaked out about Rose Quartz being Pink Diamond?
Name every fusion in Steven Universe: The Movie.
Steven, Garnet, Cotton Candy Garnet, Opal, Watermelon Tourmaline, Steg Multiverse, Rhodonite, Flourite, & Crazy Lace Agate.
Who is Steven's dad?
Greg Universe (Greg Demayo).
Why did Pearl used to hate Greg?
She used to hate Greg because Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond chose him over her.
What is Amethyst's favorite food?
Everything! (Including stuff that is not edible)
Who ran away?
Name every fusion in Steven Universe Future.
Steven, Garnet Steven, Opal Steven, Sugilite Steven, Sardonyx Steven, Alexandrite Steven, Garnet, Bluebird Azurite, Mega Pearl, Alexandrite, Rhodonite, Crazy Lace Agate, Stevonnie, Watermelon Tourmaline, & Flourite, Smoky Quartz, Sunstone, Rainbow Quartz 2.0.