Who refuse to give up their seat on the bus?
Who is Rosa Parks?
You should always keep your hands and feet to yourself? ( True or False)
What is TRUE?
An animal that barks
What is DOG?
What is 2x3?
What is 6
What is the life cycle of a chicken?
What is Egg- Hatchling-Chick-Adult Chicken?
What was MLK's childhood name?
What is sit in a circle, criss cross applesauce
The first stage in a life cycle of a human .
What is EGG?
What is 5x4?
What is 20
What is the name of the word that "changes forms dramatically over the course of its life?
What is Metamorphosis?
Who wrote the book "Up from Slavery"?
Who is Booker T. Washington?
What time do we dismiss from school?
What is 3:30?
The final stage of a Plant in the Life Cycle
What is FLOWER?
What is 9 divided by 3?
What is 3
What is force?
Who cells were stolen and used in medicines and vaccines even until today?
Who is Henrietta Lacks?
When someone hits you, what should you do first?
What is Ask them to stop? or "Tell an adult"
Spell .........
What is (5 x 3 ) + 3?
What is 18?
What are the name of three metals ?
What is Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel
What was the name of MLK's infamous speech?
What was " I Have A Dream"
If you break school rules ,you can potentially be __?( spell the word)
What is suspended?
What is ELEVATE?
What is 10 X 10?
What is 100?
What is a magnetic board?