This pet likes to climb the Christmas tree
Who is Autumn?
During Easter, Noah and Eli Prefer this type of Reese instead of the normal ones
What are Reese Eggs?
One recent Halloween, Eli and his friends dressed up as Characters from this popular TV show
What is Phineas and Ferb?
In 2020, The Stieneckers had to celebrate birthdays over this platform
What is Zoom?
Every Valentine's Day, Dad buys these for Noah and Eli
What are Candy Flower Bouquets?
This Store has a quality Christmas display that The Stieneckers often enjoy
What is Menards?
Instead of an egg hunt, Mom and Aunt Brenda held one of these in 2022
What is a Scavenger hunt?
This Halloween tradition would incorporate Angry birds and Minecraft icons when Noah and Eli liked them each year, and dad using his skills to portray them with a unique medium
What is Pumpkin Carving?
One Year for Noah's Birthday, The Stieneckers went to this type of convention
What is a Lego Convention?
Noah has a New Year's Eve shaker celebrate thing made out of this item
What is a 2-Liter Soda bottle?
Every Year mom sets up this elaborate Christmas Decoration
What is The Christmas Village?
This relative puts quarters in the easter eggs and makes sure that everyone gets equal amounts afterwards
Who is Grandma Stienecker?
One year for Halloween, Noah and Eli's costumes were just cardboard boxes and solid color shirts resembling these characters from their, at the time, Favorite video game
What is a Minecraft Enderman and Creeper?
This was the first year that The Stieneckers held an in-person birthday party
What is 2022?
The Stieneckers and Mom's side of the family had to do Thanksgiving a little different during covid, so they ate Their Thanksgiving dinner in this location
This is Noah's Favorite Christmas Movie, releasing just one year before he was born
What is The Polar Express?
Eli won this item at the Ginghamsburg easter egg hunt
What is a Bike?
On Noah's last year for Halloween, he wore this Costume
What is Dr. Strange?
These Items are notoriously hard to cut when in a cold stone cake, discovered when Eli's birthday party featured a cake with them
What are Gummy Bears and Marshmallows?
This year was Noah's last for Trick or Treating
What is 2018?
This establishment was a fun destination for the Stienecker Christmas outings, especially because of its "Lights Before Christmas" displays
What is the Toledo Zoo?
One year for Dying Easters Eggs, The Stieneckers Got these accessories for the eggs to make them resemble vehicles
What are Wheel frames?
One year, The Stieneckers participated in the Holland elementary Trunk or Treat to avoid the admissions cost of 5 dollars, however their display was significantly lacking compared to the other more elaborate displays, seeing as the Stieneckers only hung these items on the car as decoration
What are Glow Sticks?
This is Autumn's Gotcha day
What is September 15?
One year on New Years Eve, Mom and Dad were confronted by the police whilst they were firing pottery using this
What is the Wood Kiln?