Christopher Columbus
Space, the Final Frontier

THIS "war" was not a hot war fought between the nations of Russia & the United States, from 1946 - 1989...

What is the "COLD WAR"?
Columbus sailed west across THIS ocean looking for a new route to India...
What is "the Atlantic Ocean"?

THESE 2 countries took the lead in the exploration of the New World.  They even made an agreement which cut in two the continent of South America!

What are "SPAIN" and "PORTUGAL" ??


He made 4 voyages to the Americas from 1492 to 1504.  He accidentally discovered the Americas in 1492...

Who is "Christopher Columbus"?


He was the first man to walk on the surface of the Moon, in July 1969...

Who is "Neil Armstrong"?


TRUE or FALSE:  "US victory in the Spanish-American War, forced Spain to cede (give) to the US the islands of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines..."

What is "TRUE"?


In THIS year, Columbus sailed west from Spain across the Atlantic Ocean, and accidentally discovered the Americas (North America & South America)... 

What is "1492"?


In 1497, John Cabot crossed the North Atlantic from Bristol in THIS country to Newfoundland, Canada.  Cape Breton Island's "Cabot Trail" is named for him...

What is "ENGLAND"?


THESE 2 men explored the American West from May 14, 1804 - Sept. 23, 1806.  Their names were Capt. Merriweather Lewis & his close friend 2nd Lt. William ____.

Who is "Clark"?  "2nd Lieutenant William Clark"?


DAILY TRIPLE...   THIS is the TV show which started with Capt. James T. Kirk saying: "Space, the Final Frontier.  These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise, whose 5 year mission is to..."

What is "Star Trek"?


Daily Double...   THIS American president was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase (1803) which doubled the size of the United States...

Who is "Thomas Jefferson" (our 3rd president)?


Although born in Italy, Columbus explored for THIS country, whose king & queen were Ferdinand & Isabella.

What is "SPAIN"?


In 1500, Pedro Alvares Cabral discovered THIS land, which is today South America's largest country.  He was trying to find India... 

What is "BRAZIL"?


She was a big help to Lewis & Clark in their exploration of the west (1804-1806)...

Who is "Sacagawea"?


He was the second man to walk on the surface of the Moon, in July 1969...

Who is "Buzz Aldrin"?

THIS war was a period of armed conflict between Spain & the United States.  It began after the internal explosion of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, Cuba...

What is "the Spanish-American War"?


Columbus reached THESE islands on the first of four expeditions...

A) Hawaiian Islands     B) the Bahamas    C) Trinidad & Tobago   

What are "B) the Bahamas" ?


Though Ferdinand Magellan is credited as the first explorer to circle the world via the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, he died before completing the journey.  His lieutenant, Juan del Cano, completed the circumnavigation.  They sailed for THIS country...

A) Spain  B) Portugal  C) France  D) England

What is "B) PORTUGAL"?


The Italian navigator, Amerigo Vespucci was the Chief Royal Pilot of Spain.  This meant that all sea captains in Spanish service had to report to him with details of their journeys.  HE used the information to create maps of the New World and so sailors came to refer to the territory as "Amerigo's Land" or _______.

What is "America"?


HIS voice opened the TV show, Star Trek, with these words: "Space, the Final Frontier.  These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise, whose 5 year mission is to..."

Who is "William Shatner" (the actor)?  or "Capt. James T. Kirk" (his character)?


THIS "doctrine", jointly written by Sec. of State John Quincy Adams & Pres James MONROE, "warned European nations that the US would not tolerate further colonization in the Americas, or puppet monarchs...

What is the "Monroe Doctrine"?


Christopher Columbus was born in THIS European country...

What is "ITALY"?


Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River in Canada and claimed the country for THIS European country...

What is "FRANCE"?


THIS Spanish conquistador said: "I and my companions suffer from a disease of the heart which can only be cured by gold."

A) Hernan Cortes   B) Vasco da Gama  C) Pedro Alvares Cabral

Who is "A) Hernan Cortes"?

HE created the world of "Star Wars", which opened to HUGE audiences in 1977...

Who is "George Lucas"?
