Outdoor States
Outdoor Activities
Fun Exercise

If you are visiting the Cape Cod National Seashore for a swim or a hike, you are in THIS state...

What is "Massachusetts"?


People view THESE displays outdoors, particularly for 4th of July celebrations...

What are "Fireworks"?


THIS is the world's healthiest drink...

What is "Water"?


DAILY TRIPLE...  THIS is the world's most popular exercise...

What is "Walking"?


THIS sport can be played either indoors or outdoors. It was invented by James Naismith in 1890, in Springfield Massachusetts, as an activity people could play during the winter.  Famous players of THIS sport include Larry Bird, Earvin "Magic" Johnson, and Michael Jordan...

What is "Basketball"?


DAILY DOUBLE...  THIS state has the lowest obesity rate of any state in the US.  It is known for its many outdoor activities, including hiking.  Its capital is Denver...

What is "Colorado"?


The Boston Marathon is a very long one of THESE.  Typically people participate in 5K and 10K events...

What are "Road Races"?


People typically go to their doctor's once a year, to have one of THESE...

What is a "Physical" or a "Check-Up"?

THIS sport has overtaken baseball, as America's favorite team sport.

A) Soccer  B) Hockey  C) Bocce  D) Football

What is "D) Football"?


DAILY DOUBLE... THIS term & THIS specific exercise method were developed by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper, an exercise physiologist, and Col. Pauline Potts, both of the US Air Force.  THIS form of exercise was a response to widespread weakness & inactivity.  Cooper published a book in 1968 called ____...

A) Jane Fonda's Workout  B) Jazzercise  C) Aerobics

What is "C) Aerobics"?


Lake Placid hosted the Winter Olympics in both 1932 and 1980.  Long a winter sports center, Lake Placid is located in THIS state...

What is "New York"?


THIS game has replaced horseshoes as a very popular outdoor game, played at picnics and cookouts.  It involves tossing bean bags onto a board, trying to get them in the hole...

What is "Cornhole"?


People say that THIS "is the best medicine"...

What is "Laughter"?


THIS sport's World Cup is played every 4 years.  The next World Cup will be held in 2026.  It is the world's most popular team sport, with over 4 billion enthusiasts...

What is "Soccer"?


A doctor once said, "People rust out (from lack of activity), they don't wear out (from too much activity)"...  Is this TRUE or FALSE?

What is "TRUE"?


The United States Congress established Yellowstone National Park in 1872.  Yellowstone is our FIRST national park, AND the world's first national park.  It is located in THIS state...

What is "Wyoming" (96% of Yellowstone is here)?


Young children play THIS on a playground.  It involves jumping and one of the games that can be played is "Double Dutch"...

What is "Jump Rope"?


THIS is one of the best exercises a person can do, as it works multiple muscle groups.  People do THIS exercise, in a pool or in the ocean...

What is "Swimming"?


THIS sport is Canada's most popular team sport...

A) Soccer  B) Hockey  C) Lacrosse  D) Football

What is "B) Hockey"?


Quote of the Game:  "An _____ a day, keeps the doctor away..."

A) Orange  B) Apricot  C) Banana  D) Apple  E) Blueberry

What is "D) Apple"?


THIS state's Upper Peninsula has long been a center for snowmobiling.  Detroit is THIS state's most prominent city...

What is "Michigan"?


THIS fun activity usually takes place when the weather is better, and involves warming yourself and staring at the thing in the center... 

What is "Having a Bonfire" or "Campfire"?


T or F: "A good sense of humor is an important element of good health."

What is "TRUE"?


In 1948, Walter Morrison and his partner Warren Franconi created THIS plastic disc which is thrown from player to player.  In 1968, Joel Silver introduced his idea of "Ultimate" to the Columbia High School student council in New Jersey.  Ultimate has become one of the fastest growing sports in North America...

What is "Frisbee"?


Movie Quote (also a good quote for life, if you want a healthy heart and lungs!)  

In "Forrest Gump," Jenny said to him: "___ Forrest ___!"

A) Sleep  B) It is what it is  C) Run  D) Walk

What is "C) Run"?   "RUN Forrest RUN!"
