Known as the University Mascot who attends sporting, rallies, and other events.
Who is Rattlerman.
Community Engagement's Summer of Service Program was involved in these summer camps this year.
What are Holy Rosary, Guadalupe Community Center, and Family Service Teen Tech Center.
Known as the society of brothers that brought Catholic education to San Antonio.
Who are the Marianist.
Known for where someone can go for daily reflection and prayer at 3:00PM.
What is the Barrett Bell Tower.
This ABC News journalist, known for the show "What Would You Do?" completed their undergraduate at St. Mary's.
Who is John Quinones.
Students will rub this for good luck before finals.
What is the Rattler Head.
What do you receive from the University Center that indicates an event reservation request has been processed?
What is a confirmation.
Known as the day when St. Mary's celebrates its rich past and promising future.
What is Founders Day.
Known as the largest legal information center in San Antonio.
What is the Sarita Kenedy Law Library.
This Fiesta favorite event started 108 years ago and is one of premier Fiesta events with over 70K patrons.
What is Oyster Bake.
Known as the rallying cry fans use to show their pride.
What is Fangs Out.
This number is available 24/7 365 days of the year to answer calls from students experiencing mental distress.
What is the Rattler Helpline.
Known as the president of StMU from 2012-2024.
Who is Thomas Mengler.
Known as the "hot spot" to meet up during Oyster Bake.
What is Pecan Grove.
Known as the mascot for Fiesta Oyster Bake.
Who is Shuckie.
Known as the day when students wear school colors of gold and blue to show Rattler Pride.
What is Spirit Thursday.
This is St. Mary's family communication system that allows texting and provides offices the ability to post information in a newsletter that is sent to parents/family of students.
What is the Rattler Family Portal.
The French priest who survived persecution during the French Revolution and later founded the Society of Mary, usually called the Marianists.
Who is Father Chaminade.
Known as the building where St. Mary's President's office can be found.
What is St. Louis Hall.
A local cover band, known for their fun outfits and who was a 2024 Oyster Bake headliner.
Who are the Spasmatics.
St. Mary's graduates start the procession to commencement outside St. Louis Hall and do what before exiting the iconic front doors that signals the end of their undergraduate journey.
What is step across the St. Mary's Seal.
Students can come here to get help with transportation, learn a second language, be entertained, and so much more.
What is the Student Life Office.
This federal designation allows St. Marys to offer programs such as TRIO, Upward Bound, McNairs Scholars and U*STAR, to help low-income, first gen and minority students succeed in obtaining college and graduate level education.
What is Hispanic-Service Institution.
Students meet between these two buildings when they start a campus tour.
St. Louis and Chaminade Tower.
Known as the StMU's Alumni event that closes out Homecoming week.
What is Baby Bake.