TRiO SSS Services
Notetaking Styles
Study Techniques
University Resources

This service helps with the process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. We may show you how to use your outlook calender, google calendar, CANVAS, or other scheduling system that works best for you.

What is Time Management?


This section is a list of all parts and chapters (or chapters and chapter sections) together with their respective page numbers.

What is a Table of contents?


Developed at Cornell this method involves dividing the note page into three sections: cues, notes, and summary.


What are Cornell Notes?


This study method is a time-management strategy that splits your study sessions into broken-up sessions, which are 25-minute (or 45-minute) blocks of time. 

Following each session, you’ll take a 5-minute (or 15-minute) break, during which you completely forget about the subject of study. You’ll also take a longer 15- to 30-minute rest after finishing four of these sessions.

This can be helpful with limited attention span and focusing on tasks.

What is the Pomodoro technique/method?


These individuals are experts in their fields and can be great resources for homework help, conducting research, academic support, and test preparation. 

Who are professors? 


This is department is a branch of Academic Technology Services, is located in the Charles L. Cotrell Learning Commons on the 1st Floor of the Louis J. Blume Library. They serve students and faculty in the development of media-based instruction and learning. They also provide tutorials and workshops in creative media development, media-rich presentations, video, and digital photo editing for academic work. Lastly, they have media professionals assist students with the development of instructional materials, in cooperation with the faculty, for classroom use. 

What is the Academic Media Center (AMC)?


This service requires that plans be created at the start of every academic year. This helps establish 3 short-term goals and 1 long-term goal with a plan of action for each goal.

What is an Academic/Career Success Plan?


This section of a textbook notes all resources cited within a textbook and lists them alphabetically by the author’s last name. It is a good resource for primary sources.

What is a Reference list?


This style of notes presents information in a graphical format, showcasing the relationship between different concepts. It's a fantastic tool for visual learners, assisting in understanding the connection between different ideas clearly. 

What are Mind Maps?


This acronym stands for the steps of the reading comprehension process: 


Consider skimming the first chapter of the book rather than reading it cover to cover and making notes on any headings, subheadings, illustrations, or other notable elements like charts.

Question - Create queries centered on the chapter’s subject matter, such as:

  • What is the purpose of this chapter? 
  • What prior knowledge do I have on this topic?

Read - Read the entire chapter and start looking for solutions to the questions you came up with.

Recite - After reading a section, summarize what you have read in your own words. Try to recollect, name key points, and respond to any queries from the second step.

Review - After finishing the chapter, it’s crucial to go over the information once again to ensure that you grasp it fully. Test your knowledge using the questions you came up with, and read any passages again if necessary.

What is SQ3R?


This platform free to all St. Mary's University members was formerly known as, is an online learning platform with on-demand, video-based content. It offers more than 16,000 courses, 9,000 of which are in English. Each course is broken down into multiple short videos with specific learning goals. Whether you’re looking to develop business, technology-related, or creative skills, this provides expert-led course videos to help you grow in your field and interests. 

What is LinkedIn Learning?


Located on the 3rd Floor of the Louis J. Blume Library, this department serves St. Mary's University by providing instructional resources for students, staff, and faculty in a learner-oriented environment. They offer tutorial support and group work in different academic areas.

This Department also supports students needing individualized instruction in English as a Second Language and can assist with Tutoring and Peer Coaching.

What is the Rattler Success Center (RSC)?


This service pairs students with an upper-class student. These students can provide services such as tutoring and academic support.

What is Academic Peer Coaching?


This section is a list of keywords or terms used within the book and their definitions. These terms are listed alphabetically. Many authors will highlight key terms when first defined in-text using bold or italics.

What is a Glossary?


The creation of columns to categorize information systematically. While it is effective for drawing comparisons and understanding diverse concepts, it may not be suitable for lectures with a continuous flow of information. 


What is the Charting Method?


Memory aids, known as mnemonics, work by linking new information with something you can quickly recall.

In order to improve recall of the order of the planets, for instance, many people use the example “My very eager mother just served us nine pizzas.” 

The phrase aids in recalling the order of the planets from the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

To recall the colors of a rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet), you can use acronyms like ROY G. BIV.

What are Mnemonics? 


This application is purchased via Microsoft 360 (Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, etc) This application is useful for Notes. You can use it to type, write, draw, or record audio, and you can also insert content from other apps and web pages. 

What is OneNote?


These are illustrations or tables in most textbooks that summarize information that is useful for the reader.

What are Figures?


These types of services may include FAFSA Application Assistance, Scholarship Database & Application Assistance, Tax Return Filing Assistance, Financial Guidance for Study Abroad, and Others.

What is Financial Aid/Financial Literacy?


These techniques help readers engage more deeply with the material they’re reading. These strategies enhance comprehension, retention, and critical thinking. Here are some examples of these types of strategies: 

Questioning: Questioning is when you ask yourself questions about things that confuse you as you read.

Connecting: Connecting is when what you are reading reminds you of something that has happened to you, something you have read, something you have seen, or something you have heard of.

Predicting: Predicting is when you stop occasionally and guess what might happen next.

Reviewing: Reviewing is when you stop once in a while to determine what you know, what you think you know, and what has changed about what you thought you knew.

Evaluating: Evaluating is when you make judgments about what you're reading.

Visualizing: Visualizing is when you can picture in your mind what you're reading.

What are ACTIVE Reading Strategies?


This method involves recording lectures or meetings and then reviewing the audio to jot down the key points later on. 

What is Verbal/Auditory Note-Taking (Audio Recordings)?


This is an easy-to-use study technique that maximizes memorization through the use of a flashcard-based learning system.

It was created by Sebastian Leitner in 1972 and served as an influence for many of the more modern flashcard-based learning techniques that came after it.  

You must first make flashcards in order to use the technique. Then you can do the following: 

  • Write the questions on the front of the cards and the answers on their backs. 
  • Once your flashcards are ready, gather three “Leitner boxes” large enough to accommodate all of the cards you have made.
  • Give them the names Box 1, 2, and 3. You are now prepared to begin using your flashcards to learn. 
  • Place each card in Box 1. Select a card from Box 1, then try to recall the response from memory. 
  • Put the response, if you can remember it, in Box 2. Keep it in Box 1 if not. 
  • Then, carry on in this way until you have reviewed each card in Box 1 at least once. 
  • Then, according to time intervals, you’ll begin reviewing each box of cards.

What is the Leitner system?


This financial literacy platform that offers resources and education to improve overall financial wellness. It provides up-to-date scholarship resources, financial education courses, and an active community of members.

What is iGrad?


TRiO SSS students interested in attending larger trips or events. It mandates a minimum of 48 hours notice for any cancellations. If a student cancels within less than 48 hours, they may forfeit a deposit ranging from $10 to $20.

What is the TRiO SSS Deposit/Cancellation Policy? 


This category of services deal with Job Tours/Job Shadowing, Resume Development & Editing, Cover Letter Assistance & Editing, Interview Preparation, Professional etiquette Guidance, Internship Assistance, and Professional Dress Seminars.

What is Career Exploration/Career Preparation?


These are at the start of a new chapter and can work as a guide to determine outcomes or chapter goals.

What are learning objectives?


This method is about blending different methods to create a personalized approach. It allows individuals to experiment and find a strategy that suits them best, offering flexibility and innovation. 

What is Hybrid Note-Taking?


This is an acronym for the six steps in the process, which is much like the SQ3R approach.

Here is a breakdown of the steps:

  • Preview: Before you start reading, take a look at the facts to get an idea of the subject. Just skim the content and focus on the highlighted text and headers.
  • Question: Asking yourself what you expect to learn about the subject is a good place to start. Check if you have any background knowledge on the subject.
  • Read: Try to find the answers to your questions as you go through the information, one section at a time.
  • Reflect: Think about whether you addressed all of the questions you had. If not, check again to see if you can find the solution.
  • Recite: Summarize what you just read in your own words, either verbally or in writing.
  • Review: Go over the information once more, and then respond to any unanswered questions.

What is PQ4R?


This service provides food and snacks for students who may be facing food insecurities. The program is housed under Health and Wellness which is located in the Center For Life Directions near the counseling offices.

What is the Food Pantry?


This is a free and open-source reference management software to manage bibliographic data and related research materials, such as PDF and ePUB files. It can create citations in APA, MLA, and Chicago.

What is Zotero?
