“This historic event saw prices and values slip quickly, leading to a huge sell off and the falling of prices to a record low. Americans went from wealth to broke in a single day.”
Stock Market Crash
The possession of a property by a bank for non payment
Three categories that FDR organized his policies into
Communities mocking the president who was in power during the days of the crash
153.34 per share
purchased 57 shares
budget of 5000
what is investment and what is left over amount?
you dont have enough to invest you cant make this investment
“The Smoot-Hawley tariff was a tax on imports, or goods from overseas. The purpose was to strengthen American industry and business, but it did the opposite, with foreign nations timid to import and sell to America due to the tariff or tax”
Trade restrictions
what over 25 percent of the population dealt with
This program first was voluntarily, but overtime it became a involuntarily program that all Americans use and still use today, helping seniors prepare for retirement
Social Security SS
222.31 per share
45 shares purchased
budget: 15000
invested total and remaining?
Remaining: 4996.05
Invested: 10003.95
“Weather Conditions caused droughts throughout middle America. The Dust Bowl, a severe climate event, destroyed crop and farmland, with farmers unable to sell crops. This placed them in debt”
Dust Bowl or DROUGHT
could no longer keep up with the demand for withdrawals, At this time, there was no insurance, many lost all their savings. They had run dry
Bank closures
Up to 100,000 bank insurance for depositors, this program is still in effect
FDIC-Federal depository insurance Corporation
These five states were most affected by this storm of dust
“Americans began to stop spending money due to the unstable economic conditions and crash of the stock market. Once they stopped purchasing products, demand decreased, triggering a reduction in items produced. With low demand, came low production, resulting in many jobs lost.
Reduction in purchasing
Demand for goods decreased, leading to less production and sales.
Business failures
This act declared that workers had a right to form labor unions, elect rep’s, bargain collectively. Union
Wagner Act
Some would use this an insoles for shoes and the relief from this would last...
cardboard, 1 hour
part two: inaccurate value of a company
margin, wild speculation
By the summer of 1932, the percent of value lost from the stock market was ( this is a percent)
This program, still in existence, allows for the fed government to regulate the exchange of investments on our markets
SEC--Securities and exchange commission
They would raid, while other would be vigilantes using
sheriffs, baseball bats