How old was Joseph Smith when he had the first vision?
14 years old
Name 3 operating temples in California?
Los Angeles, Oakland, San Diego, Fresno, Redlands, Newport Beach, Sacramento
You get this many P-Days per week as a missionary
Whay bird is a popular symbol for valentine's day?
Recite the first paragraph of the Aaronic Priesthood Theme.
I am a beloved son of God, and He has a work for me to do.
Look unto Christ in every thought.
D&C 6:36
Elder David A Bednar
Elder Ronald A Rasband
This is the place where missionaries go for training before they go to their assigned mission?
The Missionary Training Center (MTC)
Brazil, Columbia, England, Ghana, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Phillipines, South Africa
In the Harry Potter series, which character sends Harry a singing valentine in the second book?
Ginny Weasley
How old do you have to be to receive your patriarchal blessing?
There is no age requirement. The decision is made prayerfully by each individual, often in consultation with parents and church leaders.
In what state is the sacred grove located?
New York
Explain the baptismal covenant. What do we promise? What are we promised?
We promise:
1) Take upon us the name of Jesus Christ
2) Always remember Jesus Christ
3) Keep the commandments
The Lords promise:
That we may always have His spirit to be with us
Share an experience where you were able to love, share, or invite someone to know more about Jesus Christ.
Which profession receives the most Valentine's Day cards annually?
How old is President Nelson?
What sections of the Doctrine & Covenants are we studying in Come Follow Me this week?
D&C 10-11
You can find these words engraved on every temple, "Holiness..."
Holiness to the Lord, the House of the Lord
How many full-time missionaries are serving right now from the Stockdale Ward?
Isaac Aunai (Italy Milan Mission)
Alex Lopez (Canada Vancouver Mission)
Cole Popejoy (Colorado Springs Mission)
Lucinda & Matt Smith (New Zealand)
Which US state produces the most roses for Valentine's Day?
Say the word "love" in another language
Examples: amor, amore, amour
What was the original name of the Doctrine & Covenants?
The Book of Commandments
What five ordinances are performed in the temple?
Initiatory (Washing and Anointing)
Name the two sister missionaries serving right now in our ward?
Sister Chivers
Sister Skoy
Which mammal has the largest heart?
Who was the Super Bowl MVP?
Jalen Hurts