Were humans capable of farming before the flood?
yes (Genesis 4:2)
Is there evidence of farming tools made of metal during this age?
Not yet.
Name any three patriarchs who lived in this time.
Any of these: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job.
Name three famous kings of Israel who lived during this time.
Saul, David, and Solomon
Before the Flood, humans were not intelligent enough to make tools out of bronze or iron. True or False?
How many languages were there before and just after the Flood?
one (Genesis 11:1)
Cities had been built and well-established by this time. True or False?
True. There were even kings with great armies who went to war near the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 14)
True or False: the iron age was the first ever use of iron tools.
False, this is just where we first find iron tools in the geologic column.
Written languages didn't exist before the Flood. True or False?
We don't know. They were capable of writing, but perhaps didn't need to!
During this age, people were moving around because of which incident?
When Abram was called to leave his father's house, God promised to make of him a _______ _______
great nation
The technology for iron tools was developed before the Flood. But masters of this technology likely ________ in the Flood.
Who instructed craftsmen who worked with bronze and iron?
Tubal-Cain (Gen 4:22)
After Babel, people would have taken advantage of natural houses such as ______ as they migrated.
The war of the kings in Genesis 14 includes the account of _____ being rescued by Abram and his 318 trained men.
About how many years passed between the Flood and the time of King David?
About 1,500