Life Skills
Tattling v. Reporting
Stop,Walk, & Talk
Everyone is having fun. Nobody is getting hurt. Everyone is participating equally. It is light and harmless. It doesn't happen often. It can be annoying or upsetting. Is this bullying?
No, this is teasing. If it becomes aggressive or if there is an imbalance of power and it is happening often, this can turn into bullying.
How do you follow directions?
1. Listen to the direction. 2. Ask a question if needed or if you don't understand. 3. Repeat the direction out loud or to yourself. 4. Get ready to follow the direction.
What is an upstander?
Someone who recognizes when something is wrong and acts to make it right. For example, an upstander sees a classmate being picked on and goes over to the classmate to help them walk away from a bully.
What is tattling or snitching?
Tattling/Snitching is telling an adult when something annoying or uncool is happening even though it is SAFE.
How can you walk away at LHA? (4 ways)
1. Walk away if you can 2. Ignore 3. Turn around in your seat 4. Ask to be moved to a different area of the room
If you are being attacked physically, socially, or emotionally; if there is an unequal balance of power; if you are being hurt on purpose; and if it happens more than once over a short period of time, you are being ____.
How do you gain attention in a class?
1. Raise your hand. 2. Wait for staff to call on you.
What is a bystander?
A bystander is a person who doesn't help a victim when they are being bullied. A bystander could be the person saying, "FIGHT. FIGHT. FIGHT." or the person who ignores the situation.
What is reporting?
Reporting is when you tell an adult about an UNSAFE behavior. For example, you see a fight happening, a classmate brought something dangerous on the bus, or a classmate is throwing a sharp object in the classroom.
If someone is bullying you, you should...
Stop, Walk, and Talk
What feelings may a victim feel if they are being bullied? (Must give at least two feelings)
Fear, Guilt, Anger, Shame, Sadness, Pain
How should you apologize?
1. Ask to speak to the person in private. 2. Say, "I'm sorry" or "I apologize for doing ____" in a sincere way. 3. Ask if they accept your apology. 4. If they don't accept your apology, wait until the person has had time to calm down then try to apologize again.
Should a victim walk away from the bully alone, or should an upstander walk away with them?
An upstander should always walk away with the victim unless the victim asks to be alone.
Who can you report to at LHA?
Teachers, Staff, Principal, Officer LaRoache, and Counselors
When someone asks you to STOP, what should you do?
1. STOP what you are doing 2. BREATHE 3. LEAVE the situation
Why do bullies bully? (Must give at least one reason)
1. They may have been victims themselves. 2. They may have learned the behavior from someone at home, at school, on TV, or on a video game. 3. They may not get attention at home, so they bully in order to gain attention from classmates. 4. A bad home environment may make bullies insensitive to others' feelings.
How do you show appreciation?
1. Smile and say "Thank You" 2. Do something nice for that person: help with chores, cook dinner, or wash their car.
What can an upstander do to help a victim?
1. Tell the bully to "STOP" 2. Ask the bully, "Why are you messing with him/her?" 3. Help the victim walk away 4. Make a joke to distract the bully 5. Report the bullying behavior
Your classmate is bragging about bringing something dangerous to class tomorrow, so you tell your teacher about it. Is this tattling/snitching or reporting?
Reporting. If a situation could be UNSAFE, it is important to report it to an adult.
What are some other way you can say "STOP?"
Enough, Time out, Quit, Chill, Bounce, Relax, Calm Down, Not Cool
What is the A, B, C, D of bullies?
A - aggressive B - balance of power C - consistent D - deliberate
How do you negotiate?
1. Decide what you want from the other person. 2. Think about their point of view. 3. Listen and discuss options calmly. 4. Make a deal. 5. Return to the conversation later if you don’t get what you need.
Which takes more courage: being an upstander or being a bully?
Being an upstander takes more courage. A bully is not courageous.
Your classmate is on website that isn't approved by the teacher, so you tell your teacher what he is doing. Is this reporting or tattling/snitching?
Tattling/Snitching. Your classmate is still being SAFE.
You are calling your classmate bad names and laughing behind their back. Your classmate asks you to stop. You continue the behavior, so they ignore you. You keep calling them bad names, so finally they report it to staff. Did your classmate do the right thing?
Yes. Your classmate followed the STOP, WALK, and TALK steps.