You paid
Tu pagaste
They enter
Ellos entran
He bought the ring
El compro' el anillo
He looked at
El miro'
We sell
Nosotros vendemos
Book store
They bought the shirt
Ellos compraron la camisa
Last week
La semana pasada
They paid
Ellos pagaron
He pays
El paga
En la red
He is buying the wallet
El esta' comprando la cartera
Last night
We bought
Nosotros compramos
You (formal) look at
Usted mira
Department store
El almacen
We bought the skirt
Nosotros compramos la falda
Its been 2 weeks
Hace dos semanas
I paid
Yo pague
You guys pay
Ustedes pagan
Home appliance store
Tienda de electrodomesticos
You guys bought the tie
Ustedes compraron la corbata
Its been 3 months
Hace tres meses