What is the number one most shared food on IG, based on hashtags?
When was "Feed" publicly introduced to Facebook?
September 6, 2006
When was Stories publicly introduced to Facebook?
March 2017
Based on %, do daily active users US / CA young adults or adults like more FB Reels?
YAs! YA - 59%, A - 41%
What is the maximum number of users that can be in a WhatsApp group chat?
256 users
Who is the most followed individual on IG?
Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo with over 535 million followers
To date, how many likes did the most popular Feed post earn?
573,528 likes from a post from Lil Wayne
How many Facebook users watch at least one Story daily as of January 2023 globally (DAU)?
1.18 billion
When was FB Reels launched in the US?
September 29, 2021
What percentage of US adults use WhatsApp?
How many daily active users does IG Stories have?
~500 million
What is the most popular SATP background?
Pink and purple hearts on a pink background
What is the most used creative element?
What percentage of FB Reels do producers take the time to use the FB Reels music tool in app to add music?
How many languages is WhatsApp available in?
In what year did Instagram launch?
What year were Reactions introduced?
When were GIF stickers introduced?
November 2018
How many videos do daily active users of FB Reels consumer per day as of January 2023?
~25 FB Reels
About how many messages are sent a day on WhatsApp?
~100 billion
In 2011, how much did FB acquire IG for?
$1 billion
Globally, how many Feed posts were published on June 1st?
247 million Feed posts
What is the global OESPD (Original Exclusive Stories Producer Daily Active Users) average over 7 days for the second week of January 2023?
~179 million
As of January 1, 2023, how many FB Reels are in the ecosystem (not including IG crossposts)?
~759 million FB Reels
In 2014, how much did Facebook pay to acquire WhatsApp?
$19 billion