Prometheus and Pandora
Demeter and
the Weaver and Theseus and the Minotaur
and Icarus / Hercules

According to Greek mythology, who made the first mortal creatures?

Prometheus made humans/men, Epimetheus made all other animals)


Why does Hades spirit Persephone away?

He sees how beautiful she is, and he wants to make her his queen.


What in nature does this myth explain?

(how the first spider came to be)


Why does King Minos also lock Icarus in the tower with Daedalus?

because he is Daedalus’s son and King Minos is punishing him in place of his daughter, Princess Ariadne)


What makes the Nemean lion hard to subdue?

It has a magical hide that cannot be injured.


Prometheus steals fire for humans so they can prove themselves to Zeus. What punishments for stealing the fire does Zeus deliver?

He chains Prometheus to a mountain and has an eagle peck at him; he sends Pandora with a closed box filled with unpleasant things to the humans


Hades returns Persephone to her mother, but only for part of the year. Why?

Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds, and so has to return to the underworld for six months of the year.


Why does Princess Ariadne help Theseus even though she knows her father would be furious?

She thinks Theseus is an extraordinary man.)


Does Daedalus’s plan work? Are he and Icarus able to escape safely from the tower?

Yes and no. Daedalus is able to escape, but Icarus does not heed his father’s advice and flies too close to the sun; his wings begin to melt, and despite his desperate efforts to then follow his father’s path, he plummets into the sea.


. How does Hercules get the apple?

He convinces Atlas to get the apples for him while he holds the sky for Atlas.


Zeus sends Pandora down to Earth with a closed box and strict instructions not to open it. What does Pandora do with the box and what happens?

Pandora can’t resist and opens the box. Frightening and terrifying evils and sorrows come out of the box to cause people pain


Does this myth try to explain an event or something that happens in nature, or does it teach a moral lesson?

It tries to explain an event in nature. Seasons !


Why is Daedalus important in this story?

He created the labyrinth and he tells Ariadne how Theseus can to find his way out


Who is Hercules the son of?



How would you explain the answer? (As a baby “in the morning” of our lives, we crawl on all fours; at “the noon” or middle of our lives, we walk on two feet; in “the evening” or in our old age, we walk with the aid of a cane, as if on three feet.

Human are babies crawling .

Then Walking 

Then they become old and need assistance to walk so they use a cane .


Why did Prometheus  steal fire ?

He wanted the humans to show their true capabilities to zeus. 


What happen to Demeter's Appearance  when Persephone was gone ?

 She turned old 


Why does Theseus dad pass away ?

Theseus forgot to change the black sail to white. So the dad though he had died .


Who does Theseus tell Hercules to see to free himself of his past?

Apollo, the god of wisdom


What terms  does Atalanta give her parents?

 The person wanting to marry her will have to beat her at a race .


Why did Zeus create Pandora ?

She was the first girl and would distract men because she was pretty 


Why does Athena turn Arachne into a spider and not some other kind of animal?

Because Arachne was a weaver and spiders weave webs. Athena wanted to ensure that Arachne would continue to weave.)


What is a tapestry?

Its art you hang on your walls .


How does Hercules defeat the Nemean lion and take his skin ?

He uses the lion’s own claw to cut its magical hide


Who shot the Arrow of love to Hippomenes ?

