A knight requires being bonded to one of these to unlock their surges.
What are Spren?
Shallan Accidentally ended up here when trying to escape the Cryptics
What is Shadesmar
Stormlight is stored in these.
What are gemstones?
This soldier-turned-slave-turned-soldier who swore the ideals of The Windrunners.
Who is Kaladin?
“You sent him to the sky to die, assassin, but the sky and the winds are mine. I claim them, as I now claim your life.”
Who is Kaladin Stormblessed
The first knight radiant to reveal themselves to Dalinar
Who is Shallan Davar
In Shadesmar, the sea is not water but this kind of substance.
What are beads?
Stormlight allows for those wielding it to tap into these natural forces of Roshar.
What are surges?
This scholar and truth-seeker joins the Radiants as a Lightweaver.
Who is Shallan Davar?
“Dumb luck, In that, I’m lucky you’re all so dumb.”
Who is Wit/Hoid?
The Radiant oaths are also called these, which bond them to Spren.
What are the Ideals?
The capital city of Alethkar, home to King Elhokar.
What is Kholinar?
This massive storm periodically sweeps across Roshar, recharging Stormlight.
What is the Highstorm?
He is the assassin in white who served the Parshendi and wields an Honorblade
Who is Szeth?
"My father thinks I am a better man than he is, unfortunately for you he is wrong."
Who is Adolin Kholin?
This order of the Knights Radiant wields the Surges of Gravitation and Adhesion.
Who are the Windrunners?
The Shattered plains is the location of this ancient kingdom that fell in the shadow days.
What is Natanatan?
Stormlight is seen as this when it leaves a human body.
What is smoke/gas?
This High Prince of Alethkar is known for his impulsiveness and his dark history.
Who is Dalinar Kholin?
“I don't talk to myself because I'm crazy. I do it because I'm awesome.”
Who is Lift?
The time in history that the knights radiant abandoned the people of Roshar
What is the Day of Recreance?
The name given to the ancient coalition of nations on Roshar, dating back to the era of the Knights Radiant.
What are the Silver Kingdoms?
Those that wield stormlight to control the forces of nature
What are surgebinders?
This character is the leader of the Ghostbloods and takes an interest in Shallan.
Who is Mraize?
"Would you like to destroy some evil today?”
Who is Nightblood/Szeth's sword?