What is the center of a Hurricane called?
The Eye
This storm needs alot of what to be made?
If you rub the carpet with your shoes you create static eletricity! When you touch something, what happens?
It can make a spark/ You can shock someone/ You can make lighting
What shapes do Hurricanes and Tornados make?
Funel Shape
Inside the tornado, what is the temperture?
Hurricanes are made over warm water, or cold water?
What can Torandos destory?
Lighting creates the flashing light. What is the sound called?
Where/What is the Equator
A line that runs down the middle of earth. It is the hottest place on earth.
If you can't breathe in a tornado, there is no what?
Pacific Ocean Hurricanes are called?
Wind Channels?
Spinning Wind Zombies?
What is another name for a tornado?
Super Boom Boom Factory Wind Storm of Death!!!
What % of people hit by lighting survive?
During a Hurricane, a Torando, or any wind storm, where is the safest place for you to be?
In a bunker
In a safehouse
After a torando throws you, what can happen?
You could fall down/You could die
There are 5 categories of Hurricanes. Which category is the least dangerous?
Category 1?
Category 3?
Category 5?
Category 1
Warm air and cold air spend quickly making a Cylendar. The air pushes up and up and up until?
The Tornado stands up and touches the ground
What charge is on the ground?
a posative charge?
a negative charge?
A posative charge
During a lightining storm, where should you not go?
Dont go on top of buildings
Dont go on top of tall objects
Dont go to trees
What can hit you, while you're in a torando?
Debre (objects/trash/houses)
How big can the Eye of a Hurricane be?
5 to 30 miles
Less than 10 mintues
What rubs each other to create lighting in the sky?
Ice pieces/ Ice/ Ice particles
During a Lightning storm, are posative charges or negative charges at the bottom of the cloud?
Negative charges
What percent of people come out harmed when encountering a tornado?
91% of people