Thunderstorms occur most often in this season.
What is spring?
Tornadoes occur most often in this season.
What is spring?
Hurricanes occur most often in this season.
What is fall/autumn?
Wind is caused by this.
What is the difference between high and low air pressure?
True or False: Wind speed is measured with a wind vane.
False, wind speed is measured with an anemometer.
A wind vane is an instrument used for showing the direction of the wind.
Thunderstorms occur over ___ and ___.
For many meteorologists, tornadoes are ____ to ____.
Difficult; Forecast
Hurricanes form here.
What is in warm, ocean waters?
This is what winds are named after.
What is the direction in which it comes from?
True or False. Local winds are winds that blow over short distances.
These are the effects of a thunderstorm.
What are lightening damage and flash foods?
Tornadoes form over ___.
What is land?
Hurricanes usually have wind speeds up to ____ mph.
What is 75 mph?
This is the flow of air from land to a body of water.
What is a land breeze?
True or False: The flow of air from an ocean or lake to the land during the day is called a land breeze.
False, the flow of air from an ocean or lake to the land is called a sea breeze.
A land breeze is the flow of air from the land to the ocean or the sea.
Meteorologists use this to see where rain and hail are located within the storm.
What is a radar?
Tornado wind speeds usually reach up to ___ mph.
What is 300 mph?
These are the most common effects of a hurricane.
What is severe wind and flood damage?
True or False. The increased cooling that a wind can cause is called the Coriolis factor effect.
Thunderstorms are caused by these occurrences when warm air rises and meets cold air.
What are cold fronts?
Tornadoes spin in a _____ direction.
What is counterclockwise?
These are the cause of the transfer of heat due to the bulk movement of molecules within fluids, and can be found in hurricanes.
What are convection currents?
True or False. Winds that blow steadily from specific directions over long distances are called doldrums.
False, winds that blow steadily from specific directions over long distances are called global winds .
Doldrums are an equatorial region of the Atlantic Ocean with calms, sudden storms, and light unpredictable winds