As I carried my tray piled high with burgers and fries, I realized, every table was full. The only seat left was next to Billy Markum! What is the setting?
What is the cafeteria during lunch
Kevin was walking home from school when he saw a little girl getting picked on by one of Kevin’s classmates. He felt sorry for her, but he did not stop to help her. A few weeks later, the same classmate began picking on Kevin.
The theme is any of the following: Support When you help others, you are helping yourself.
Read the description of the story. Determine the protagonist (central character) and antagonist (opposing force). Then describe the type of confict (example: person vs. nature). After breaking his mother's favorite vase, Casey struggles to decide whether he should tell his mother the truth and face the consequences, or whether he should attempt to hide his mistake and blame the family dog. Who is the protagonist? Who is the antagonist? What is the conflict?
Protagonist: Casey Antagonist: His Mom Conflict: deciding on whether to lie or to come clean; person vs. self
people, animals, spirits, and other animated objects
the main character or hero in the story
I leaned back in the chair and shut my eyes. When I heard the sound of the drill I slowly opened my mouth. "What a way to start a day!" I thought.
What is the dentist in the morning
The white horse gleamed in the sunlight. No one could believe it was the same horse that had wandered into the stable with a matted mane and tail, and covered in mud. Only Fran had looked at the poor creature and seen what it had the potential to become.
The theme is any of the following: Don't judge a book by it's cover. Beauty is only skin deep. Everyone deserves a chance.

It's the year 3030 and society is completely dependent on computers and robots. A young boy named Domino is flying his hover board to school when all of the machines start acting up and attacking people due to a powerful computer virus. What will Domino do now that the machines that are supposed to help him have turned against him? Protagonist? Antagonist? Conflict?

protagonist (central character) and antagonist (opposing force). Then describe the type of conflict (example: person vs. nature)

Domino is the protagonist; the machines are the antagonists and the conflict is person vs. technology

planting of clues to indicate the outcome of the story. Not all readers will be alert to these. Some may notice them subconsciously and describe their inferences as guesses or feelings.
the character or force that blocks the protagonist
When I heard the crack of the bat, I knew it was coming to me. I opened my glove and pointed it toward the sky. The midday sun was blinding. "Please let me catch it!" I silently chanted.
What is a baseball game at noon
Louis ran harder than he ever had in his life. His ankles and knees hurt. He felt as if his legs would collapse underneath of him. His breath heaved in his chest. But still he pushed himself and kept running. All the other racers had long ago passed him by. He couldn’t possibly win. But he was determined to cross the finish line. Maybe the other racers had come hoping to win, but Louis was only hoping to finish. His race was only against himself.
The theme may be any of the following or at least close to them: It's you vs. you Finish the race! It feels good to complete your goals. Never give up.

Brian has the best dog in the world. In fact, he has one of the only dogs in the world. That's because dogs are not allowed in Brian's world, where people believe that dogs spread diseases. Brian's dog will be executed if he is caught. Soon Brian learns of a mysterious underground dog owners club and joins the fight to legalize dogs. Can Brian and his new friends prove to the world that dogs are safe and friendly?

protagonist (central character) and antagonist (opposing force). Then describe the type of conflict (example: person vs. nature)

The protagonist is Brian; the antagonists are the people who believe dogs spread diseases; the conflict is person vs. society

the nature or distinguishing feature of a character
character trait
the vantage point from which a story is told
Point of View
Even though it was dark, I knew where we were. I could smell the fresh cut hay and I could hear the animals moving restlessly in their stalls.
What is a barn in the evening
I‘m good at arithmetic Sally’s good at art Holly’s two‐point layup is really off the charts! Yasmine bakes a moist, rich cake And George sings like a bird Everybody’s different And different’s a good word! Perry wrote a short story That made his classmates laugh But when he tried to tell a joke He only made a gaffe. Robin ran a winning race But Harry came in third Everybody’s different And different’s a good word! In some things you’re outstanding In others you’re the pits But it’s the same for everyone So no use throwing fits. Be thankful for your many gifts And work hard on your flaws Just do your best and love yourself Because there’s always cause. Do your thing and be yourself And don’t follow the herd, Cause everybody’s different And different’s a good word!
Be who you are. Be yourself. Be happy with who you are.

Janie is on a whitewater-rafting trip along a choppy river when their guide suddenly has a heart attack. Now she and the other passengers must learn to work together to survive the treacherous rapids. As if things weren't bad enough, some of the passengers spotted a bear following the confused rafters along the shore. Will Janie make it home safely?

protagonist (central character) and antagonist (opposing force). Then describe the type of conflict (example: person vs. nature)

The protagonist is Janie; the antagonist is nature; person vs. nature

a character that has only one or two personality traits and can be summed up in a simple phrase
flat character
the part of the plot that is the high point in a work, usually the most intense parts where the main conflict is resolved
Megan opened her notebook and turned to the next page. She reached into her desk for a pen. "I hope I finish this assignment before recess?" she thought.
What is school in the afternoon
Nature’s Cycle I love the blue of the sky in spring I love the warmth of the rain I love the pretty flowers I thought I would never see again I wish it was always spring time Bright sun, clean air, cool days But the earth turns, the earth turns And summer’s on its way. I love the plants of summer The vegetables and fruits I love to wear my flip flops And hang out in my bathing suit. I wish it was always summer With its long, green, ice cream days, But the earth turns, the earth turns And autumn’s on its way. I love the colors of autumn The browns and yellows and reds When the sun starts sinking in the afternoon Dinner comes earlier and so does bed. I wish it was always autumn With its crunchy leaves and crisp cool days,   But the earth turns, the earth turns And winter’s on its way. I wish it was always winter With its softly falling snow I love sledding down sloping hills And the fire’s red, warming glow. I wish it was always winter,   With its sparkling, magical days, But the earth turns, the earth turns, And spring is on its way.
1. Nature is both change and repetition. 2. The lines “the earth turns, the earth turns, and (season) is on its way” are repeated after every stanza.  Each stanza talks about one season, then the next stanza talks about the next season. At the end of the poem, spring is on its way. Spring is the season talked about in the first stanza, which suggests a loop or a cycle.

Ronny has won second place in the science fair for the last two years, and Newton Robinson has taken first. Ronny hated how Newton gloated and held these victories high over Ronny's head. This year, Ronny will stop at nothing to beat Newton. He has even enlisted the help of a Nobel Prize nominated scientist who was banished from the scientific community for his rouge experiments. Can Ronny and his mad scientist partner win against the undefeated Newton at this year's science fair?

protagonist (central character) and antagonist (opposing force). Then describe the type of conflict (example: person vs. nature)

the protagonist is Ronny; the antagonist is Newton; person vs. person

a character that is complex and has many different traits
round character
the sequence of events that make up a story