5-paragraph Essay
Point of View

Define protagonist and antagonist.

Protagonist: Central to the action of the story and moves against the antagonist. (Main Character) 

Antagonist: the villain or a force that opposes the protagonist.


Define setting.

The time and location in which a story took (takes) place. 

(where and when)


Plot: it's what __________ in a story!



How many body paragraphs do you need for a 5-paragrah essay?



Define theme.

A central idea in a piece of writing or other work of art; meaning; life lesson; moral of the story


Define point of view. 

The perspective from which a story is told. 


What does ISALT stand for?

Interactions with characters, speech, actions, looks, thoughts


True or False. Setting can 

-Be realistic

-Be fictional

-Change through the story

-Be in the future, present, or past

-Be a comination of times and/or places

-Determine the point of view

False. Setting does not determine the point of view. 


Draw and label a plot diagram using 6 terms.


Describe a PEE paragraph! What does each letter stand for?

(You will earn double points if you can explain the word each letter is representing)

  • Point: The main point or argument that you are making in the paragraph.
  • Evidence: Supporting evidence that backs up your point. This can be a direct quote from a text, a statistic, or any other form of evidence that supports your argument.
  • Explanation: An explanation of how the evidence supports your point. This is where you analyze and interpret the evidence, showing how it connects to your main argument and further develops your point.


How is a theme developed?

Throughout the story--beginning, middle, and end

What is First Person point of view?

What keywords should you look for? (Pronouns)

First Person: the main character is telling the story

Keywords: I, me, we, my, our, ours


Static and dynamic characters are similar in that they refer to the ______________ of the character.

Flat and round characters are similar in that they refer to the ________________ of a character. 

Static and dynamic characters are similar in that they refer to the growth of the character.

Flat and round characters are similar in that they refer to the personality of a character. 


What is the difference between integral and backdrop setting? 

Backdrop: this setting has little influence on characters, plot, or theme; events in the story could happen anywhere

Integral: this setting influences the theme, character, mood, and action of the story; without this setting, the action or events could not happen


Define Exposition, Inciting Incident, Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution

Exposition: narrator sets up the story; background info

Inciting Incident: puts the story in motion

Rising Action: the plot has begun; the events leading to the climax

Climax: turning point, usually the most exciting point

Falling Action: loose ends tied up

Resolution: conclusion


Think of a theme for the holes book with your team!

(Each and every team can answer. The book has more than one theme)

Although you make mistakes in life, it is never too late to change them!

Punishment is necessary if somebody commits a crime.

The importance of history in everybody's lives. 

The destructive nature of cruelty. 

The benefits of friendship!


What develops a theme?

Characters, Setting, Plot


What is the Third Person Limited point of view?

What keywords should you look for? (Pronouns)

Third Person Limited: The narrator focuses on one character; the narrator tells the story from the viewpoint of only one character

Pronouns: he, she, it, his, hers, they, them, theirs


How is direct characterization different from indirect characterization?

Give an example of each. 

Direct characterization: the author of the story comes right out and tells the reader what a character is like. 

"With an evil laugh, the selfish man snatched the purse sitting on the table."

Indirect characterization: the author does NOT come out and tell the reader about a character. The author shows us using ISALT.

"The man snatched the purse from the table, dumped it out, and took the money, laughing to himself as he fled."


Setting can affect the conflict and mood of a story. What else can it affect? (Name at least 2)

Theme, plot, characters


The following scenes from the Lion King can go on a plot diagram. Where do they go?

-Simba's cub, Kiara, is introduced to all the animals of the Pride lands.

-Simba and Scar have a big fight; Scar dies.

-All the animals come to see sub, Simba, at Pride Rock

-Simba gets into a series of troubles; Scar acts on his evil.

-As an adult, Simba roars on top of Pride Rock. The lionesses roar back accepting him as their new king. 

Exposition: All the animals come to see the cub, Simba, at Pride Rock. 

Rising Action: Simba gets into a series of troubles; Scar acts on his evil. 

Climax: Simba and Scar have a big fight; Scar dies.

Falling Action: -As an adult, Simba roars on top of Pride Rock. The lionesses roar back accepting him as their new king.

Resolution: Simba's cub, Kiara, is introduced to all the animals of the Pride lands.


You can get points by providing a proper hook for the theme of your choice in the previous question!


Theme: Punishment is necessary if somebody commits a crime.

Hook:"Justice must be served," is a phrase often used to justify why punishment is necessary when someone commits a crime.

Theme: If you have made a mistake you can still change your life. 

Hook: The road to redemption is a long and winding one, but it's never too late to start the journey if you've made a mistake.  


Name a theme statement for the following fable:

The Fox & the Goat

A Fox fell into a well, and though it was not very deep, he found that he could not get out again. After he had been in the well a long time, a thirsty Goat came by. The Goat thought the Fox had gone down to drink, and so he asked if the water was good.

"The finest in the whole country," said the crafty Fox, "jump in and try it. There is more than enough for both of us."

The thirsty Goat immediately jumped in and began to drink. The Fox just as quickly jumped on the Goat's back and leaped from the tip of the Goat's horns out of the well

The foolish Goat now saw what a plight he had got into, and begged the Fox to help him out. But the Fox was already on his way to the woods

"If you had as much sense as you have beard, old fellow," he said as he ran, "you would have been more cautious about finding a way to get out again before you jumped in."

Possible Answers:

1. Look before you leap. 

2. Think before you act. 

3. Never trust a man in difficulties.


What is the Third Person Omniscient point of view?

What keywords should you look for? (Pronouns)

Third Person Omniscient- the narrator knows everything and can describe every character's thoughts and interpret their behavior. 

Pronouns: he, she, it, his, hers, they, them, theirs


Define static, dynamic, flat, and round. Then, provide an example for each. 

Static- the character that stays the same throughout the story (Ex: Voldemort, Darth Vader, R2D2)

Dynamic- a character that changes due to events in the story. (Ex: Shrek, Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker)

Flat-a character which we know very limited information about. (Ex: Dori, Crabbe and Goyle, Voldemort, Darth Vader)

Round-a character which we know a lot of information about. (Ex: Nemo, Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker)

*Flat = predictable, round = interesting, static = still, dynamic = changing


How can the setting help you make inferences about a text? You can use an example to illustrate your point.

Todd clenched his jaw. He was sweating. 

Setting #1: If Todd was on the track field, we might infer he's running to win race.

Setting #2: If Todd was sweating in class at school, we might infer that he's nervous or stressed out. 


Who created the plot diagram?

Gustav Freytag

You can earn these points by providing supporting sentences for your hook. (Before you begin clearly state your theme and hook)

Hook: The road to redemption is a long and winding one, but it's never too late to start the journey if you've made a mistake.

Supporting sentences:

  1. Forgiveness is possible: While society may hold people accountable for their actions, forgiveness is also possible. When people take responsibility for their mistakes and show a genuine desire to make amends, they can earn forgiveness from others.

  2. People have the capacity for change: Humans are capable of learning, growing, and evolving throughout their lives. Even if they have made mistakes in the past, they can learn from them and make different choices in the future.

List at least 4 facts about Theme. 

1. Theme is what the author wants you to remember most. 

2. Most often, the theme is unstated and is revealed to the reader gradually throughout the novel, story, or passage. 

3. An author develops a theme with the use of characters, setting, and plot.

4. The theme is first developed in the beginning, made more evident in the middle, and is completely revealed in the end. 

5. Theme is written as a statement; it is NOT a word.

6. Theme is subjective! Different readers can have completely different theme statements. (The reader needs to be able to defend his or her position using text evidence.)


Read the passage below and name the correct point of view. 

You come to the end of a passage way, to your right is a maze of thorns which looks inescapable, to your left is a blackened corridor that could be concealing anything. You need to make a decision. Turn to page 16 to go right or page 19 to go left.

Second Person
