Point of View

Describe what characterization means in your own words? 

Characterization: is how the author helps the reader get to know the characters in the story to make them seem more believable. 

This can be done in many different ways: 

1) Physical appearance 

2) The character’s thoughts and dreams 

3) What the character does/does not do 

4) What other says about them


Give me one example of a setting. 

(Answers may vary). 

Geographical location, time, weather. 


What is the exposition? 

The beginning of the story. 


What is conflict?
a) A celebration
b) A disagreement or struggle
c) A type of friendship
d) A happy event

B) A disagreement or struggle


Describe first person point of view with at least 2 facts.

  • The story is told by: The protagonist OR one of the characters who interacts closely with the protagonist.

  • When they talk, they use the pronouns: “I, me, we.”

  • The reader sees the story through this person’s eyes as he/she experiences it. The reader only knows how this character feels.


Is Harry Potter considered to be a protagonist or an antagonist? 



Does a rainy day necessarily mean that something bad is about to happen? Why or why not?

Potential response: A rainy day can signify a cozy Sunday.


True or False - Rising Action is the most exciting part of the story. 

False - it is the climax. 


In a story, when a character faces a problem with another character, what type of conflict is this?
a) Person vs. person
b) Person vs. self
c) Person vs. nature
d) Person vs. society

A) Person vs. Person


True or False: Second Person P.O.V. is the most common?

False! It is the rarest. 


Should we always trust what the other characters say about the main one? Why or why not? 

The other characters might be the antagonists who are rooting for the downfall of the main one. 


Does the setting help explain why the characters behave a certain way? Give an example.

Example: Rough neighbourhood - the character might be tough around the edges to protect themself.


What comes after the CLIMAX in a story? 

Falling Action


True or False: Conflict can only be negative and always leads to bad outcomes.

False. Sometimes, conflict makes a character stronger and more confident in themselves.

Ex: Elsa's conflict with her ice powers (person vs. self) ended on a positive note because she learned how to control them. 


What point of view was this written in?

"As I stepped into the old attic, dust danced in the sunlight. My heart raced with excitement. Among forgotten boxes, I found a dusty journal. Opening it, I discovered my grandmother’s secrets, her dreams, and adventures. Each page whispered stories of the past, connecting me to her in ways I never imagined."

First Person


What is the difference between a dynamic and static character? 

Dynamic: A character who changes throughout the story. 

Static: A character who stays the same throughout the story. 


Would the story be the same if it happened in the past, present, or in the future? Why or why not?

Student answers may vary. 

Possible answer from the lecture: Technological differences, political climate, climate change...etc.


How do the main characters react during the climax?

Filled with strong emotions. Often, there is a decision that the characters must take. 


Name the 4 types of conflict.

Person vs Person

Person vs Nature

Person vs Society

Person vs Themself


Name the 3 types of points of view that we've learned about.

First Person

Second Person

Third Person


You are given the following passage: "With his tattered clothes hanging loosely on his thin frame and his sunken eyes darting nervously, it was clear that Jacob had seen more hardships than most boys his age."

How does the author use physical appearance to describe Jacob?

This sentence uses physical appearance to hint at Jacob's difficult life circumstances and his emotional state.


Create a sentence that includes words about the setting of a random story. 

Student answers may vary. 


Describe the denouement/resolution from one of your favourite stories (can be from a book, short story, movie...etc). 

Student answers may vary.


What kind of conflict is this an example of?

"Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Mia who loved to explore the woods near her home. One sunny afternoon, she decided to go on an adventure to find a hidden waterfall that her grandmother had told her about. She packed a small backpack with snacks, water, and a flashlight.

As Mia walked deeper into the forest, dark clouds suddenly filled the sky. A fierce storm began to brew, and the wind howled through the trees. Mia realized she had to find shelter quickly, or she could get lost or hurt.

As the rain poured down and thunder rumbled, Mia had to use all her courage and wits to navigate the slippery trails and avoid falling branches. She climbed over fallen logs and ducked under low-hanging branches, determined to find a safe place to wait out the storm."

Person vs. Nature


Write a sentence describing Lauren from "Relative Problems" in the third person. 

Student answers will vary.

Potential response: "She felt very discouraged about the fight that she was having with her friends."
