
On a cold Halloween night, Jessie and Tom were going out trick or treating. Jessie was a cowgirl and Tom was superman. They went from house to house.

Who are the characters?

Jessie and Tom


The man woke up in the morning. He went downstairs to the kitchen to make pancakes and eggs. He was feeling tired, but he knew he had to get ready for work. He didn't want to be late.

What time of day is it?



Martin walked into work. He washed his hands and put on gloves. He said hello to his boss. He wrapped the utensils in the napkins, and set the table. He smelled delicious food cooking. He saw customers walk in, so he went to take their order. 

Where does Martin work? 

At a restaurant 


Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up at the clock. “9:48,” she shouted, “Holy cow!” Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth in two swipes, threw her books into her backpack, and then ran out the door.

What happened to Cassie that made her shout?

She overslept and is late for school 


It was Mary's birthday. She was turning 9 years old. She invited her friends over to her house for pizza and cake. Mary was excited for her birthday to begin.

Who is the main character? 



The workers signed out from work. They took out their metrocard, and went onto the city bus. It was getting dark. When they got home, they would eat dinner with their families and get ready to go to bed.

What time of day is it? 



The boys went to the ticket booth and gave the woman money. They paid for a large popcorn and sodas. They went inside and took their seats. They were excited to watch.

Where are they? 

At the movie theater


I begin the day with my small tools to clean my patient’s teeth. I shined a light down so I could see. I found one cavity! After all the teeth were cleaned, I gave her a toothbrush.

What am I? 

A dentist 


It was Sammy's first day of work. He worked at a store. He was feeling nervous, but his Mom said, "You will do great!."

Who are the characters? 

Sammy and his mom


She saw a big turkey sitting on the table. There was stuffing, cranberry sauce, and green beans. After dinner, there was pumpkin pie.

What day is it?



It was a very hot day. The waves crashed onto the sand. The family collected shells and made castles.

Where are they?

At the beach 


When I get to work, I pass out the assignment. When everyone arrives, we read a story and discuss it. The bell rings and it is time for lunch. I grade some papers and prepare the next lesson.

Who am I?

A teacher


On her way home from school, Jim saw a lost dog. It was wearing a collar and looked friendly. He called the number on the dog tag. The owners thanked him and gave him a 25$ reward.

Who are the characters? 

Jim, the dog, and the owners


The boys and girls dressed up in costumes. They went from house to house, and received candy. 

What day is it? 



She took the boy's temperature. She told the boy to open wide and say "Ah." He cried for a few minutes. She gave him a sticker and told him he did a great job.

Where are they? 

The doctor's office


Today has been very busy. I gave someone aa shot and put a broken arm into a cast. Now, I am examining a patient with a sore leg. He may need some medicine. Later, I take off my white coat and stethoscope and relax.

What am I?

A doctor


Bob woke up in the morning. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 9:00 am. Oh no! He rushed out of bed as fast as he could. He quickly got dressed, ran out of the house, and jumped on the bus as it was about to pull away. 

What is one clue that Bob is running late for school?

He said "Oh no!" when he saw what time it was

He rushed to get dressed as fast as he could

He got dressed quickly and ran out of the house

The bus was about to pull away 


The boy woke up from his sleep. He looked outside and saw that the grass was covered in snow. He got up to get ready for school. He turned on the T.V. to check the news. He was so happy when he hear what the reporter said! He went back to sleep, excited to play in the snow when he woke up.

What is one clue that today is a snow day? 

The grass is covered in snow

The boy was so happy to hear what the news reporter said!

The boy went back to sleep instead of going to school

The boy was excited to play in the snow when he woke up


The man entered the building with long, messy hair. There was a big picture of scissors and a shaver on the door. When he left, his hair was short and clean.

What is one clue that the man went into a barbershop/hair salon?

There was a big picture of scissors and a shaver on the door

He went in with long, messy hair, and he left with short, clean hair


Before the show I practice my lines. I like to look into the mirror and pretend. I fix my hair and get into my costume. Before the curtain rises, I am nervous but eager to begin performing.

What is one clue that I am an actor?

I practice my lines before the show

I like to pretend

I wear a costume 

I am behind the curtain

I am going to perform 
