Pets depend on their owners for many things. Pet owners must give their pets food, water, and shelter/ Some pets, such as dogs, need attention from their owners every day. Pet owners must e careful so their pets do not run away of get injured. When a pet is ill or injured, its owner ust take the pet to the vet.
a) Dogs make the best pets.
b) Children cannot be responsible for taking care of pets.
c) Pet owners have a lot of responsibility
c) Pet owners have a lot of responsibility
Jan came home from work after a long hard day at the office. She walked up to her door and noticed that it was already unlocked and even open.
What is coming home to her door unlocked and open.
Lexi went to play at her friend Natalie's house. Natalie's dad yelled at Lexi for not sitting properly at the kitchen table while eating dinner.
Lexi got yelled at by her friend's Dad
John let his friend borrow his phone at the end of the school day. When he got home he went to call his Mom and realized his phone was not working.
John's phone is not working
The class one a pizza party Friday afternoon. Brian is unable to eat regular pizza because he has a food allergy. When the pizza arrives, there is one with no cheese for Brian. One of his classmates says, "It's the freak's pizza." Brian is upset and refuses to eat.
What is being called a mean name in front of everyone.