The first man in recorded history to:
-ask why nature behaved as it did
-correctly predict a solar eclipse
Who is Thales?
It's what "S.P.A." stands for and why we learned it.
What is Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and that's the order of who came first, secone and third?
a2 + b2 = c2
Who is the Pythagorean Theorem?
He gave us the first recorded Ancient Greek hypothesis of a heliocentric universe.
Who is Aristarchus?
He gave a complete theory on the atomic composition of all matter; his theory was strongly resisted at first because it was thought to exclude God from the universe.
Who is Dalton?
He theorized that all matter was composed of tiny, indivisible atoms like the beach is composed of grains of sand.
Who is Democritus?
He taught Plato.
Who is Socrates?
He wrote The Elements.
Who is Euclid?
He was the last great apologist for the geocentric theory of the universe, explaining even the retrograde motion of the superior planets using only perfect circular motion; he wrote Almagest.
Who is Ptolemy?
He was a student of both Albert the Great and Roger Bacon at the University of Paris; Bacon said one day he would "bellow like an ox" so loudly,that the whole world would hear him.
What is Aquinas?
He was the first in recorded history to use the gnomon as an instrument for studying nature.
Who is Anaximander?
He thought the changes observed in the universe were due to the prime matter taking on a new imprint.
Who is Aristotle?
He wrote The Principia, in which he presented a new form a mathematics known as calculus.
Who is Newton?
He wrote De rev, published while on his deathbed, in which he re-proposed a sun-centered universe.
Who is Copernicus?
He said the study of grammar, logic and rhetoric would help Christians study the Bible and share the Gospel with unbelievers.
Who is Augustine?
He claimed the universe was constantly changing, nothing stays the same.
Who is Heraclitus?
He thought the universe was divided into two major regions, the sublunary and the superlunary; everything in the sublunary was made from prime matter, while everything in the superlunary was composed of aether.
Who is Aristotle?
He (and his followers) believed numbers were divine.
Who is Pythagoras?
He wrote Starry Messenger and Two New Sciences as well as gathered the first actual counterexamples to geocentrism.
Who is Galileo?
He was a great engineer who also used the density of matter as an intensive property to demonstrate that King Hiero's crown was not composed of pure gold.
Who is Archimedes?
He was the teacher of many in the Milesian school, including Pythagoras.
Who is Thales?
He sought to know the Forms through the study of nature and mathematics.
Who is Plato?
This type of math is very useful for the study of the world in motion.
Who is calculus?
He wrote The New Astronomy; he said that planets moved in elliptical orbits with the sun at one focus.
Who is Kepler?
In his Experimentum Crucis, performed before the Royal Society, he demonstrated to the scientific community how a theory is to be demonstrated so that all will see its truthfulness.
Who is Newton?