The Korean Battleground
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King Kojong was the king of Korea, but many people thought she was the real ruler. TQ

Who was Queen Min?

Queen Min wanted Korea to do this.

What is begin trading with other countries?


This was built in England for the Great Exhibition. Ch. 1

What is the Crystal Palace?


Cuba was important to Spain because so many fields of this grew there. TQ

What is sugarcane?


He was the Assistant Secretary of the Navy who helped direct the U.S. battleships during the Spanish-American War. TQ

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?


King Kojong was the king of Korea, but many people believed she was the real ruler

Who is his wife, Queen Min?


The Sin-Japanese War took place here. TQ

Where is Korea?


He lead the Young Italians against the French invasion. Ch. 4

Who is Giuseppe Garibaldi?


They were two American newspaper owners who published exaggerated stories about the Cuban crisis. TQ

Who are William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer?


The band of soldiers in a famous battle up San Juan Hill were nicknamed this. TQ

Who are the Rough Riders?


They began the Tonghak Rebellion.

Who were poor peasants who were miserable and angry?


Fifteen years after Queen Min was killed, Korea became a part of this empire.

What is the Japanese Empire?


This is the dream Hong Xiuquan had. Ch. 4

What is he dreamed that an old man gave him a sword to fight demons, and that an older brother joined him?


This was the hidden message in Jose Rizal's novel, Touch Me Not? TQ

What is that the Spanish government was cruel, unjust, and oppressive?


This was the slogan of Cuba's violent revolutionaries.

What is "Independence or death!"?


This is why Korea became known as the "Hermit Country". TQ

What is because Korea would only trade with China and send ambassadors only to China?


This happened when the Queen of Kora asked the Russians to become Korea's ally. TQ

What is the Queen was assassinated by Japanese assassins?


This is what it means when a state in the Union "secedes". ch. 5

What is it leaves its current government?


He declared that the Philippines were at war with the U.S.

Who was Emilio Aguinaldo?

This is where United States battleships attacked Spanish warships.

Where is all over the world?


This happened to China at the end of the Sin-Japanese War. TQ

What is China signed a treaty that gave Korea total independence and gave the Japanese large territories once held by China. Many European countries also took advantage of China's weakness to seize other bits of China for themselves?


These events caused the Sino-Japanese War. TQ

What is Korea asked China for help with the Tanghak Rebellion and China sent a warship loaded with soldiers to Korea? Japan was angry that China had broken their agreement so the Japanese sank the warship with all the soldiers on board. Then, China and Japan declared war with each other. 


This is why Germans called their confederation the "Second Reich" or "Second Kingdom". ch. 7

What is they believed that their new kingdom was the success of the Holy Roman Empire, which had been the "First Reich"?


This happened as a result of the Treaty of Paris. TQ

What is it was decreed that Puerto Rico, Cuba, The Philippines, and Guam would be ruled by the United States instead of Spain?


This is why American newspapers were so eager for the United States to declare war on Spain. TQ

What is because during war, hundreds of thousands of people bought newspapers to find out what was happening?
