Start Unknown
Start Unknown

Isabella had some falcon bucks. She got 13 more for SOARing on the carpet.

Now she has a total of 47 falcon bucks. How many did she have to start?

Isabella had 34 falcon bucks to start. 


Michelle had some gold fish. She gave 34 to Adrian. 

Now she has 45 gold fish left. How many did she have to start?

Michelle had 79 gold fish to start. 


Dariana has some stickers. She gives Rayven 32 stickers. Now Dariana has 58 stickers. How many did she have to start?

Dariana had 90 stickers. 


There are 14 more pink flowers than blue flowers in my garden. 

There are 37 pink flowers. 

How many blue flowers are there?

There are 23 blue flowers. 


Lauren has 12 more pencils than Elijah. 

Elijah has 34 pencils. 

How many pencils does Lauren have?

Lauren has 46 pencils.


Dominic had some youtube videos. He made 14 more. 

Now he has 53 youtube videos. How many videos did he have to start?

Dominic had 57 youtube videos to start.


Liam had some action figures. He gave 31 to Logan. 

Now Liam has 25 action figures. How many did he have to start?

Liam had 56 action figures to start.


Cameron had some Dream box lessons done. He did 28 more over the weekend. Now he has 83 Dream box lessons done. How many did he have done in the beginning?

Cameron had 55 Dream box lessons done in the beginning. 


There are 24 more sour candies than chocolate candies. 

There are 76 sour candies. 

How many chocolate candies are there?

There are 52 chocolate candies.


There are 25 more dogs than cats at the pet store. 

There are 62 cats. 

How many dogs are at the pet store?

There are 87 more dogs at the pet store. 


Rayven had some legos. Kayleen gave her 36 more legos. 

Now she has 68 legos. How many legos did Rayven have to start?

Rayven had 32 legos to start. 


Sarahy had some hot chips. She gave Matthew 36 hot chips. 

Now she has 22 hot chips left. How many hot chips did she have to start?

Sarahy had 58 hot chips to start. 


Liam has 37 more cards than Logan. Logan has 42 cards. How many cards does Liam have?

Liam has 79 cards. 


There are 24 more soccer balls than basketballs in the gym. 

There are 68 soccer balls. 

How many basketballs are there?

There are 44 basketballs in the gym.


There are 42 more red blocks than blue blocks. 

There are 39 blue blocks. 

How many red blocks are there?

There are 81 red blocks. 


Somto had some squishy toys. Lauren gave her 29 more. 

Now she has 54 squishy toys. How many did she have to start?

Somto had 25 squishy toys to start. 


Elijah had some suckers. He gave Mckenzie 28 suckers. 

Now he has 52 suckers left. How many suckers did he have to start?

Elijah had 80 suckers to start.


Isabella had some candy. Dominic gave her 36 more pieces of candy. Now she has 84 pieces of candy. How much candy did she have to start?

Isabella had 48 pieces of candy to start. 


Sarahy's hair is 19 centimeters longer than Matthews. 

Sarahy's hair is 46 centimeters long. 

How long is Matthew's hair?

Matthew's hair is 27 centimeters long.


Michelle's hair is 25 centimeters longer than Kayleens. 

Kayleen's hair is 52 centimeters long. 

How long is Michelle's hair?

Michelle's hair is 77 centimeters long. 


Dariana had some seashells. Ahsha gave her 58 more. 

Now she has a total of 73. How many did she have to start?

Dariana had 15 seashells to start.


Oscean found some fossils. She gave 37 of them to Cameron.

Now she has 46 fossils left. How many did Oscean find?

Oscean found 83 fossils. 


Adrian read for 27 more minutes than he needed to this week. He needed to read for 55 minutes this week. How many minutes did he read?

Adrian read for 82 minutes this week.


Ahsha is 28 inches taller than Mckenzie. 

Ahsha is 76 inches tall. 

How tall is Mckenzie?

Mckenzie is 48 inches tall.


Somto is 39 inches taller than Oscean. 

Oscean is 47 inches tall. 

How tall is Somto?

Somto is 86 inches tall. 
