This person can't stand the sound of people eating
Jen & Kev got in trouble for stealing 13 of this item from Sue in high school
Bottles of homemade wine
This popular beach is where Sharon & Bud met at 14 years old
Dominion Park
When asked at the border whether they were leaving anything in the country, who responded with "only our dignity"
Also a song by "Aunty Donna", this nickname was given to James by Nanny Sharon
Tiny Man
This person's biggest pet peeve is "Willful Ignorance"
What common childhood game did the older Stout generation and the younger Stout generation enjoy playing
Don't touch the hardwood floors, also known as "the floor is lava"
How did Kevin and Carly meet?
What is the nickname of Krisanne's group of friends and where did it originate?
The Pets - one of the Pets grandmother used "pet" as a term of endearment.
This nickname turned a few heads when Sharon uttered it in reference to the 45th US president
Sir Orangeness
This person's pet peeves as a child were "fat people" and "people form Bangor"
Chris Stout
Who has lied under oath
Sharon Stout
Where did Tom propose to Krisanne
Out front of 1030 Mollins Drive
Kevin, Krisanne and Tom have all been to Myrtle Beach but none have gone together. Name who two of them went with.
Kevin - Brandon Campbell and Family
Krisanne - Sharon and Bud
Tom - three friends
What would Sharon often say to her children at the beach
"you're shading me"
One of this persons pet peeves is people wearing hoods while they drive.
Tom Bishop
Who became convinced while on s date that they were being kidnapped?
Sharon Stout
What year did Boop meet the Monkey?
Who said to a police officer, on being instructed to go to the police station to answer some questions "I watch Law and Order"
When dropping her glasses, or stumped on a question in trivia - what common phrases did Sharon often utter in frustration
"Oh for the love of Pete"
This person's biggest pet peeve is when people say "I could care less" rather than "I couldn't care less"
What was the name of the toy that Chris, Shawna and Lisa tortured Beth with on the way to Florida?
Yertle the Turtle
6 and a half years
Where was Dawn born?
On their flight to Paris, what did Sharon say in response to an argument between Boop and Krisanne on using proper grammar in text messages.
"These pretzels are making me thirsty"