Crystal is home alone, she hears the doorbell rings and she hopes that Chris Brown is at the door. She opens the door without checking to see who is outside.
What is BAD
Why is it important for an adult that you know, to always know where you are at?
What is so that you do not get lost or taken?
a person that I do not know
what is a stranger?
If a stranger tries to talk to me, I should...
What is do not talk to them and walk away
During an NYFAC trip, I decide I want to go take a walk by myself to see something on the other side of the park. Is this a smart thing to do?
Bianca wants to have her friends over while she is home alone
What is Bad?
What phone numbers should you know or always have by the phone in case of an emergency?
What is 911, parents' numbers, the neighbor that you know?
It is 100 degrees outside, you are really hot and tired. You've been walking for what feels like miles, a stranger in a car pulls up next to you and offers to drive you home. What should you do?
What is say no and run away
What to do if someone is following me
What is walk in the opposite direction?
What is what you should do before you go anywhere?
Tell your parents where you are going, what route you will take, and when you will return.
Geniah is home alone and the phone rings, she answers the phone and the person asks to speak to his parents, she tells them that they are not home and will call them back later.
What is Bad?
Should you try cooking something new on the stove while you are home alone?
NO, you can accidentally create a fire
If you are lost, you should...
What is call 911, look for the police, or a safe stranger?
The letter e
Somebody Daniel does not know sent him a friend request, he ignored the friend request
What is Good?
True or False: it's okay to play outside while your parents are gone? why?
What is FALSE, because you could be taken by a stranger?
Is it safe to take ANYTHING from a stranger?
What is No?
What to do if a stranger tries to grab you
What is scream for help?
Three things you should always know in an emergency
What are your name, address and telephone number?
The word THE is written twice
True or False: You should always have a working phone when you are home by yourself.
What is true?
A stranger approaches Justin and tells him that they have tickets to see Ariana Grande. Justin just needs to tell the stranger where he lives and he'll send the concert tickets to his house.
Should Justin give the stranger his home address?
No, we never give away private information
"Hey, come over here. I'm your Aunt Zalia. Don't you remember me?"
What is do not go with her and walk away?
I need my parent's permission before I?
What is, go to any one's home, let someone take a picture of me, or take anything from a stranger.