Chapter 1: Understanding Your Academic Situation
Chapter 2: Developing Personal Awareness
Chapter 3: Building Positive Academic Habits
Chapter 4: Exploring Majors & Careers
Anything Goes!

These are circumstances that are out of one's control that bring disrupton to their academic progress.

Extenuating Circumstances


This type of goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.



These are behaviors we do on a consistent basis that don’t require a decision to do them. 



This is an academic area chosen as a field of specialization 



In RIASEC, People with these interests like work that includes practical, hands-on problems and answers. 

Realistic (R)


When your GPA is a 1.99 to a 1.70, your academic standing is called what?

Academic Notice


This mindset is characterized by the belief that intellectual ability and other desirable attributes are unchangeable; they are something you are born with (or not).

Fixed Mindset


This is an emotional response to a given
task that is overwhelming, unclear, or stirs up negative emotions, making us avoid the task and do something instead that will make us feel better.



This type of undecided student may have trouble
making any decision which could be instigated by several factors. These students find themselves
being indecisive due to a lack of knowledge about their own interests and abilities while not fully
understanding their values.

Completey Undecided (considering no choice)


When your GPA is a 1.69 to a 0.00, your academic standing is called what?

Academic Probation


The repeat policy at OU allows students to repeat courses they have recieved a grade of "D" or "F" in. How many classes can you repeat?

4 classes (up to 18 hours)


This is the ability to control our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in order to productively impact our lives and reach our goals. 



Which positive academic habit is the best predictor of a student's projected grade in a class?

Attending every class


Name one myth of choosing a major, as discussed in Chapter 4.

I need to choose a career first in order to choose a major. 

I need to choose a major now; I am already behind and choosing something is better than being

Unless I choose a major in business, engineering, law, or medicine I won’t make a lot of money.  

Majoring in English (history, sociology or Spanish...) is a waste of money because you can’t really do
anything with it.

I don’t have a choice. I’m pre-med so I have to major in biology.  

Once I decide on a major everything will just fall into place for the next 40 years of my career.


Students with this type of response to challenges are shocked by their academic situation and are, possibly, in denial. They may wish to ignore their need for improvement. 


Students with this type of response to challenges feel helpless and believe that OU or college is not for them. They dwell on feelings that they do not belong here instead of embracing opportunities to turn their situation around.



Why does Chapter 2 say that multitasking is a myth?

You are not actually multitasking, you rapidly switching from one task to another, and then back again. Every time you make that switch, you pay a 'tax' on both your time and your energy, which can lead to lower overall cognition and performance.


This style of note-taking uses two columns to highlight important topics and subjects on the left side, and the details on the right side.



What is the most important step of the major and career exploration process?

Understanding yourself (knowing your personality, values, interests, skills)


This is a person who agrees to help you monitor your progress and to encourage any necessary adjustments at regular intervals.

Accountability Partner

Name at least four of the Six Dimensions of Student Support in Strategies

Personal Development, Academic Self-Management, Physical and Mental Wellness, Financial Navigation, Social Support and Engagement, Major & Career Exploration


This psychological theory says that in order to be intrinsically motivated, you need to have autonomy, relevancy, and competency in what you are pursuing.

Self-Determination Theory


This method of preparing for an exam over a length of time helps you retain information more efficiently, as opposed to cramming right before an exam.

5-Day Study Plan

This theory, developed by psychologist John Holland, helps students understand their career interests.

RIASEC/Holland Codes


This time management tool helps you prioritize your tasks by dividing them up into sections according to importance and urgency (full name required).

Covey's Time Management Quadrants/Matrix
