This is affected by the emotional and social support
What is motivation?
Students' motivation is strongest when...
they believe that they are socially accepted by the teachers and peers.
Students report greater sense of motivation in classroom that have this.
What is a way to communicate the relevance of a topic?
increase challenge
provide opportunities for student to grapple with the central tents and abstract principles.
invite students to personalize a topic
discussing universal human experiences
inviting students to explore the relevant and importance of their current learning by investigating how particular academic concepts are used in the communities.
Tomorrow is...
What is Air Force Friday!
Teachers need to show this for all students.
What is support and concern and interest in their ideas?
Teachers should try to create...
What is a sense of belonging?
At Canyon Ridge High School we...
What is vape in the bathroom.
When challenges are too low or too high students attribute this to the learning task.
What is low importance... DUH!!! Slender Man.
This will cause students to be more engaged with learning tasks.
What is making them relevant to their goals?
Freebee, you get points!
YEET not.
A strategy can enhance the enjoyment of a topic?
What is humor? BET!
How is math relevant to life?
What is, it is not? #EnglishOUT
Knowing your students well, means you can link it to...
What are kids' goals.
Who has a strong relationship?
Mike and Jolley Ranchers
Who is the GOAT of Canyon Ridge
Local Legend, Funny Guy, Two-Time, Mike Da' Easterling NOT Skibbity Toilet.
Muriel is interested in...
Bon Jovi.... DUH Skibbity toilet
What is relevant in Canyon Ridge High School?
Not having hour lunches! Ohio Cap!
We are interested in....
Connecting [enter something]
This enhances the effective climate of the classroom.
What is sensitivity and kindness?
Students' motivation is lowest when...
they feel unwelcome and untrustworthy.
How do you relate to the kids.
What are skibbity Toilet Rizz. Bet erm... what the Sigma?
Wendi made the 21st Century Learning...
What is super relevant BET.
Students will feel important if learning activities are congruent with this.
What is their personal identity?