Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Final Jeopardy
The essence of this strategic option is to offer unique product or service attributes that a wide range of buyers find appealing and worth paying for
What is Differentiation
These risks stem from instability or weakness in national governments and hostility to foreign business
What is Political Risk
This test of diversification potential determines if the cost to enter the target industry does not erode its long-term profit potential
What is the Cost of Entry Test
Involves the application of general ethical principles to the actions and decisions of businesses and the conduct of their personnel
What is Business Ethics
A tool for evaluating the relative competitive positions of the firm and it’s competitors
What is a Competitive Strength Assessment
This strategic option works best when It is costly or difficult for multi-segment competitors to meet the specialized needs of niche buyers and at the same time satisfy the expectations of mainstream customers
What are Focused Strategies (Focused Low Cost or Focused Differentiated)
This type of strategy makes sense when a firm has valuable technical know-how or a patented product but has neither the internal capabilities nor resources to enter foreign markets
What is Licensing
This division of a diversified firm generates operating cash flows that are too small to fully fund its operations and growth; it must receive cash infusions from outside sources to cover its working capital and investment requirements
What is a Cash Hog
This refers to a company’s duty to operate in an honorable manner, provide good working conditions for employees, encourage workforce diversity, be a good steward of the environment, and actively work to better the quality of life in the local communities where it operates
What is Corporate Social Responsibility
This strategic option works best when It is costly or difficult for multisegment competitors to meet the specialized needs of niche buyers and at the same time satisfy the expectations of mainstream customers
What is Best Cost
This international strategy is a think global, act local approach to strategy making
What is Transnational Strategy
This involves radically altering the business lineup by divesting businesses that lack strategic fit or are poor performers and acquiring new businesses that offer better promise for enhancing shareholder value
What is Corporate Restructuring
According to this ethical school, different societal cultures and customs create divergent standards of right and wrong—thus, what is ethical or unethical must be judged in the light of local customs and social mores and can vary from one culture or nation to another
What is Ethical Relativism