Chapter 5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Final Jeopardy
This strategic option works best when the majority of industry sales are made to a few, large-volume buyers
What is a Low Cost strategy
These kinds of diversified firms have dissimilar value chains and resources requirements, with no competitively important cross-business value chain relationships
What are Unrelated or Conglomerate firms
According to this ethical school, the same standards of what’s ethical and what’s unethical resonate with peoples of most societies regardless of local traditions and cultural norms; hence, common ethical standards can be used to judge employee conduct in a variety of country markets
What is Ethical Universalism
This division of a diversified firm generates operating cash flows over and above its internal requirements, thereby providing financial resources that may be used to invest in other divisions, finance new acquisitions, fund share buyback programs, or pay dividends
What is a Cash Cow
A tool for evaluating the relative competitive positions of the firm and it’s competitors
What is a Competitive Strength Assessment
This strategic option aims at securing a competitive advantage by serving buyers in the target market niche at a lower cost and a lower price than rival competitors
What is Focused Low Cost strategy
This test of diversification potential determines if the firm’s businesses will perform better together than as stand-alone firms, producing a synergistic 1+1=3 effect on shareholder value
What is the Better Off test
According to this ethical school, universal ethical principles based on collective views of multiple cultures combine to form a “social contract” that all employees in all country markets have a duty to observe
What is Integrative Social Contracts theory
This strategy establishes an overall game plan for managing a set of businesses in a diversified, multi-business company. In other words, answers the question “what businesses will we be in?”
What is Corporate Strategy
This strategic option is a hybrid of low-cost provider and differentiation strategies that aim at satisfying buyer expectations on key quality/features/performance/ service attributes and beating customer expectations on price
What is a Best Cost strategy
This exists when the value chains of different businesses present opportunities for cross-business skills transfer, cost sharing, or brand sharing
What is Strategic Fit
This involves deliberate actions to protect the environment, provide for the longevity of natural resources, maintain ecological support systems for future generations, and guard against the ultimate endangerment of the planet
What is Environmental Sustainability
This international strategy calls for varying a company’s product offering and competitive approach from country to country in an effort to be responsive to significant cross-country differences
What is a Multi-Domestic strategy (think local-Act local)