Founded in 1923, this company has been capturing school memories for over a century.
What is 1923?What is 1923?
When dealing with broken equipment, you should contact this department.
Field Equipment
When should you download Flow jobs/update your computer?
Every Thursday
What is a serious job stopper?
Not filling out the job submission form
What is the total distance from background to the main lights?
125 inches
This individual currently serves as the President of Strawbridge Studios.
Mike Strawbridge
After metering, this step is crucial for achieving accurate color balance in your photos.
Custom White Balance
What is the Mr. Gray target range for the two Main lights?
When should the job be submitted/shipped?
On the same day as photographed
What is the height of the two Main lights?
64 inches
This person established Strawbridge Studios in its early days.
J. E. Strawbridge
The standard camera settings for Spring jobs include this aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.
f/8, 1/125th, ISO 200
What is the Mr. Gray target range for Mr. Gray Overall?
How should prepay envelopes be bundled?
Facing the same direction without extra paper/debris, with a sticky note
How do you measure the background height?
From the floor to the bottom of the wood on both sides.
On the grading rubric, this aspect of a photograph carries the most weight at 30 points.
Expression (30 pts)
For laptop or IT-related issues, this team provides support.
Field Tech Support
What is the technique used to correct glass glare?
Have the subject lean forward, lower and project the chin, slightly raise the light as a last option
What is needed to submit a job?
Flow export, SD back up + job submission form
What is the height of the hair light?
18 inches
These three guiding principles shape the work ethic and professionalism of Strawbridge photographers.
Do your best. Do what’s right. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
To protect the connection port in the camera, Strawbridge recommends using a tether block for Canon and this clip for Sony.
Canon: Use tether block
Sony: Use cord clip
How should your subject align with the camera mask?
Top of the head/hair at the top of the box/line and feet at the bottom line.
What must be done to the job folder before submitting?
ZIP it
What is the angle of the hair light?
13 inches