Tawheed Al-Ruboobuiyah
Tawheed Al-Ibaadah
Tawheed Al-Asma wa Al-Sifaat
General Knowledge

 what is the root word of Rububiyah

Rabb (lord)


What is one ayah that proves that there is no need for any intermediaries between us and Allah?? 

"I am close"
"We are closer to him than his jugular vein"


how many main aspects does Tawhid of Asma Was-Sifaat consist of?



Tawheed Al Ruboobiyah 

God, one, Quran


Which Surah has Allah SWT in every ayah

Surat Al-Mujadala


what is the role of Allah SWT in the catogry of Tawheed Al-Rububiyah

Allah SWT alone, caused all things to exist when there was

nothing; He sustains and maintains creation without any need from it or for it; and He is the sole Lord of the universe and its inhabitants without any real challenge to His sovereignty.


What is the difference between Major and Minor Shirk? give an example for both.

Major Shirk: Associating other than Allah with attributes or Qualities that are strictly for him Alone.

Eg: Worship, Supplication, Forgiveness 

Minor Shirk: A more subtle form of shirk where there is no direct dependants on other than Allah but some kind of association between something and Allah's Qualities.

Eg: Riya, Swearing by other than Allah, Believing something can ward off harm.


how can one commit shirk in Tawhid of Asma Was-Sifaat

It includes giving Allah SWT the attributes of Man and giving MAN the names sand attributes of Allah SWT


Tawheed Al-Asma wa As-Sifaat 

Hearing, Strong, High/Above


what are the three questions asked in the grave

Who is your lord 

What is your religion

Who is your prophet


Explain the difference between Shirk by association and shirk by negation relating to Al-Rububiyah

A higher divine being is recognised however his encompassing attributes are delegated, or shared by others where as shirk by negation relates to the various philosophical ideologies that don’t attribute a god to the unexplained natures of the world.


The title "Al-Ghawth Al-Atham" was given to who by a misguided sect? Bonus 50: What sect?

Abdul Qadir Aljilani 


Einsteins theory of relativity (E=mc2, energy is equal to mass times the square of the speed of light) falls under which type of Shirk

Shirk by Deification 


Day of Judgment 

Hawd, Grave, Siraat Almustaqeen 


what are the two conditions for an action to be accepted in Islam

With the intention for Allah SWT alone 

In accordance with the Prophet PBUH 


The incorrect quote “All is Allah and Allah is All” was said by who and which category of shirk does it fall under.

Ibn Al-Arabi (Sufi) 

 Shirk by negation 


What is Riya? What will be said on the Day of Judgement to those who had Riya?

Riya: To perform an act of worship to receive praise from people 

"Go to those you were showing off to in the material world and see if you can find any reward from them."


Translate ayah 23 of surah Al- Hashr


﴿هُوَ اللَّهُ الَّذي لا إِلهَ إِلّا هُوَ المَلِكُ القُدّوسُ السَّلامُ المُؤمِنُ المُهَيمِنُ العَزيزُ الجَبّارُ المُتَكَبِّرُ سُبحانَ اللَّهِ عَمّا يُشرِكونَ﴾ [Al-Ḥashr: 23]

23) He is Allāh, other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign,[1658] the Pure,[1659] the Perfection,[1660] the Grantor of Security,[1661] the Overseer,[1662] the Exalted in Might,[1663] the Compeller,[1664] the Superior.[1665] Exalted is Allāh above whatever they associate with Him.

[1658]- And owner of everything in existence.

[1659]- i.e., transcendent above any aspect belonging to His creation. Also, the possessor and grantor of blessings.

[1660]- Literally, "Free" from any imperfection. Also, "Peace" or "Soundness."

[1661]- And safety, i.e., reassurance that His promise is always fulfilled. Also, He who bestows faith.

[1662]- i.e., who observes, guards and protects. Also, "the Criterion."

[1663]- Refer to footnote in 2:129.

[1664]- Whose irresistible force is without limitation; the one above all things who compels the creation to be as He wills it. Also, "the Amender" or "the Rectifier" who repairs, restores, completes or sets something right once again, out of His mercy.

[1665]- Supreme, complete and perfect in His essence, attributes and actions.


Tawheed Al-Uloohiyah 

Worship, Shirk, Intercessor 


How many Ahadeeth are there in Sahih AlBukhari? Nearest 100



choose 1 member to recite 4 ayat that relate to this topic within 3 seconds

Up to judges discretion


There are 5 heads/types of Taghut. What are they?

  • Iblīs (Satan), may Allāh's curse be upon him,
  • The one who is worshipped and he is pleased with that,
  • The one who claims anything from the knowledge of the Unseen,
  • The one who calls people to worship him,
  • The one who judges by other than that which Allāh has revealed.

what are the five main aspects of Tawhid Asma Was-Sifaat

  1. Allah SWT  must be referred to how he or the Prophet have described him 
  2. Referring to Allah SWT how he was described without giving new names or attributes 
  3. Referring to Allah SWT without giving him attributes of his creation 
  4. Man is not to be given divine attributes  of Allah SWT 
  5. Allah SWT names cannot be given to his creation in the definite form without the prefix of Abd 


Idols, Riyaa, association 


There are 10 Qiraat. Name all of them. 150 points for 5.

  1. Nafiʽ al-Madani 
  2. Ibn Kathir al-Makki 
  3. Abu Amr of Basra 
  4. Ibn Amir ad-Dimashqi 
  5. Aasim ibn Abi al-Najud 
  6. Hamzah az-Zaiyyat 
  7. Al-Kisa'i 
  8. Abu Jaafar al-Madani 
  9. Yaqoub al-Hadrami 
  10. Khalaf ibn Hisham 