LDs 101
Famous People with LDs
Myth or Fact

Define strengths.

What is a skill someone is good at or a positive character trait.


The year the term Learning Disabilities was introduced.

What is 1963


Define challenges.

What is a skill that someone needs help or support to do or a personality trait that needs improving.


An actor with dyslexia, famous for his performances in the Matrix, Speed, and John Wick.

Who is Keanu Reeves.


People with LDs cannot learn

What is a Myth, people with LDs are smart, they can learn and do so in different ways.


True or False, everyone has the same strengths.



LDs are impairments in one or more neurological processes, name 2 of those process that can be affected.

What is perceiving, thinking, remembering and/or learning. 


True or false, a challenge can become someone's strength.

What is True.


He is the lead singer of Maroon 5 and co-host for The Voice and speaks openly about his struggles with ADHD and that it isn't a bad thing.

Who is Adam Levine.


All LDs are outgrown by adulthood.

What is a Myth. LDs are usually noticed in school and can affect all areas of life and during adulthood. That is why it is important and helpful to learn supports needed.


Can a strength become a challenge? Give an example.

Yes a strength can become a challenge like when someone with good leardership skills uses those skills to lead people in negative initiatives instead of positive ones.


LDs can co-exist with other conditions, name 3 conditions.

What are attentional, behavioural, emotional disorders, sensory impariments and/or other medical conditions.


When working on challenges it can be helpful to set SMART goals. What does each letter in the SMART acronym stand for?

What is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timeframe.


The founder of Microsoft, one of the most wealthiest people in the world, and he has Dyscalculia.

Who is Bill Gates.


Accomodations ensure that those with LDs get fair assessment and opportunities to learn.

Why is a Fact. Fair does not mean the same and accommodations allow people with LDs to work to their level of their ability and not their disability.


Name one of your stenghts and why you feel it is a strength.

Various student answers


These are helpful interventions or supports for people with LDs.

What are specific skill instruction, accomodations, self-advocacy skills, learning social skills, etc. 


Change this negative self-talk phrase to something more positive: "I'm so stupid, I will never get this!"

answers may vary: I find this hard but I will keep trying and doing my best to get better at it.


This actor will always be known as Harry Potter and he has Dyspraxia.

Who is Daniel Radcliffe.


All LDs are the same.

What is a Myth. LDs are complicated and vary from person to person, they come in many forms and affect everyone differently and the impact of LDs may change in different settings depending on the demands of the situation.


This quality can help you turn a weakness or challenge into a strength

What is GRIT! (Passion and perseverance.)


The five most common LDs

What are Dyslexia, ADHD, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, and Dyspraxia.


Name one of your challenges or needs and something that helps you with it.

Answers will vary.


He is the founder of IKEA and expresses that having Dyslexia is one reason why there are visual instructions for putting furniture together.

Who is Ingvar Kamprad.


LDs are a school issue only.

What is a Myth. LDs affect one or more modes of learning, anywhere that mode is used. LDs tend to be noticed most often when they impact on school-learning, but exist in all areas of life – work, family, relationships, etc. 
