a serious disagreement or argument
“get it right
this time.” is what kind of pressure
internal pressure
Mood-altering drugs can temporarily reduce the level
Frustrations occur when obstacles block a person from reaching
a goal
result of what is going on around you
common emotional response to opposition, related to anger, annoyance and disappointment
recovering addicts
usually get pressure from
their sponsors
Internal conflicts can be between what kind of choices
good and bad
The three basic
types of stressors:
1. Frustrations
2. Pressures
3. Conflicts
Everyone experiences
life changes
the act of trying to make someone else do something by arguing, persuading
Substances may provide
temporary relief
A choice between two
Twelve Step meetings is what kind of conflict
Internal Conflicts
Managing stress is an
important aspect of
emotional health
and well-being
you can decrease stress by
learning stress-reduction skills
a stimulus that causes stress
Some obstacles are external, such as
losing a job, not
having enough money to pay bills, losing a friend, or making an
A choice between
a party or a Twelve Step
meeting is what kind of conflict
Internal Conflicts
Examples of Strengths:
• Handling stress
• Working hard
• Willing to ask for help
first step in reducing stress is
identify stress and its causes
Examples of Weaknesses:
Isolating yourself
Not being honest
Getting stressed easily
Some obstacles are internal, such as
guilt over spending
the rent money on cocaine, being afraid of engaging in sober
activities, feeling lonely, or getting angry
Disagreement with your
partner, your child, your
employer, or anyone is what kind of conflict
External Conflict
Why it is important to reach a stable
balance in your emotional health
you do not return to
using drugs
Something in the world
that makes a demand
on a person and requires
a person to react in
some way.