What is a stressor?
something in the world that makes a demand on a person, such as an event, person, law, rule, or request that requires a person to react in some way.
What are frustrations?
When obstacles block a person from reaching a goal.
True or false: An important part of recovery is knowing what to do when stressful situations occur
What is a psychological defense?
Is a system to protect yourself from stress
What is stress?
An internal reaction to the demand of the stressor.
True or False: People in recovery experience both external and internal pressures.
True or False: If people are unprepared, their recovery can be at risk.
What is repression?
People do not let themselves think about threatening or painful thoughts, feelings, desires, moments, or beliefs.
What are the 3 basic types of stressors?
What is a conflict?
When there are two opposing forces- one force against the other.
Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences the impact of a stressor:
1-the individual's perception of the stressor
2-How long it lasts
3-The # of other people who have been affected by a similar stressor.
4-An individual's resources for coping with stress.
5-An individual's preparation for dealing with stress.
3-The # of other people who have been affected by a similar stressor.
What is emotional insulation?
People who have been disappointed many times will often try not to get too involved with things going on around them in order to keep from being disappointed again.
True or False: Every stressor causes a person stress
Internal Conflicts:
choice between two 12 step meetings, choice between a party and a 12 step meeting, choice between jail time or community services
External Conflicts:
disagreement with with your partner, your child, etc.
What are examples of external resources that you can utilize in the community?
Support groups
Treatment agencies
Sober family and friends
Faith based activities
Prosocial activities
What is intellectualization?
The emotional reaction that would normally accompany a painful event avoided by a seemingly logical explanation that removes the painful feeling of the event.
Fill in the blank: Managing stress is an important aspect of your _________ ________ and ______-______.
emotional health and wellbeing
The more ________ the stress is, the more physical and emotional the disruption it will cause in a person's life.
What are the factors that influence how a person reacts to stress?
an individual's perception of a threat, and individual's general tolerance for stress, and an individual's external resources and supports.
What is regression?
A defense mechanism in which people return to old way of dealing with the world that they have long since outgrown.