The definition of stress
What is a physical and emotional reaction that people experience as they encounter changes in life
The definition of anxiety
True or false
illicit drugs help cope with stress and anxiety
The color of flamingo milk
What is red
One way to deal with stress
(this is said by staff when peers are too close)
One way to deal with anxiety
(smell the roses, cool down the soup)
True or false
Anxiety's main job is to help keep you safe
it's your natural instinct
Which ocean is the biggest
The pacific
Another way to deal with stress
Another way to deal with anxiety
(goes along with yoga)
True or false
feeling anxious can be harmful
Your body is designed to react to danger
True or false
there is a car fueled by wine
Dealing with stress pt 3
(relating to a vision board)
Making to-do lists and setting goals
Dealing with anxiety the sequel
(The park, the gym, commons, the rec)
True or false
Anxiety will go away on its own
Anxiety disorders are persistent and require therapeutic treatments
Why does the glue not stick to the inside of the bottle?
Because it keeps the water form evaporating.
Dealing with stress once again
(we always ask to do this -WHY ARE YOU RUNNING)
Dealing with Anxiety
:( -------------- :)
open your mindddd
True or false
Anxiety disorders are not common
Anxiety is the most common mental disorder
What color is polar bears skin
they are black however they look white because they are glowing