Physical illness is caused by a complex interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors
BioPsychoSocial Model
This is the type of stress experienced whenever the pursuit of some goal is thwarted
This is the type of response to stress which includes anger, anxiety, fear, and grief.
Emotional response
Efforts to master, reduce, or tolerate the demands created by stress
Various types of aid and emotional sustenance provided by members of one's social networks
Social support
The experience of feeling stressed depends on what events one notices and the subjective belief the event is threatening or stressful.
This type of stress occurs when 2 or more incompatible motivations or behavioral impulses compete for expression
This is the type of response to stress which includes arousal of the autonomic nervous system, release of neurotransmitters, release of hormones, and brain-body pathways.
Physiological response
Any behavior which is intended to hurt someone, either physically or verbally
The general tendency to expect good outcomes
This type of appraisal in the evaluation of one's coping resources and options for dealing with stress
Secondary appraisal
This type of stress is any substantial alteration in one's living circumstances that require readjustment
This is the type of response to stress which involves coping skills, blaming, seeking help, problem-solving, and releasing emotions.
Behavioral Response
Release of emotional stress
The body's defensive reaction to invasion by bacteria, viral agents, or other foreign substances
Immune response
This is the type of appraisal which is an initial evaluation of whether the event is 1) relevant 2) threatening 3) stessful
Primary appraisal
This type of stress involves expectations or demands that one behave in a certain way.
This is the physiological response consisting of 3 stages (alarm, resistance, and exhaustion), which was first labeled by Hans Selye.
General Adaptation Syndrome
Unconscious reactions to stress which protect a person from unpleasant emotions
Defense mechanisms
The personality type most associated with stress, urgency, anger, and hostility
Type A Personality
Any circumstances which threaten or are perceived to threaten one's well-being and tax one's coping skills
These are the 4 major types of stress:
Frustration, Conflict, Change, Pressure
This is the formation of new neurons.
Relatively healthful efforts which people make to deal with stressful events
Constructive coping
Aside from the brain, this is the MAJOR organ most affected by negative stress (to the point of failure).
The heart