Set of emotional, physical and cognitive reactions to a changing, demanding environment.
What is stress.
Name two ways stress can affect the body.
Trouble sleeping, changes in behavior, getting sick more often, having a hard time paying attention, feeling irritable or upset.
I belong to you, but other people use me more than you? What am I?
Your name
Name two physical signs of stress.
Chest pain, heart pounding, headache, shortness of breath, restlessness, dizziness, shaking, stomachaches, muscle aches
What is an internal stressor?
Thoughts and emotions that often lead to stress.
A physical or psychological event that triggers a physical or emotional reaction.
A stressor
Name two ways someone can cope with stress in a healthy way.
Sleeping, listening to music, talking about it, relaxing, spending time with loved ones, painting, meditation, watching a movie, being active, gardening.
I am as light as a feather, yet nobody can hold me for long. What am I?
Your breath
Name two cognitive thoughts someone might have who is stressed or experiencing anxiety.
What is an external stressor?
Sources of stress that are outside of ourselves.
A mark of disgrace or shame associated with a person or group of people and can lead to people being stereotyped and discriminated against.
What is Stigma.
Why is it important to have a variety of tools and techniques to help you cope with stress?
Different situations may require different approaches and some situations may limit the way we are able to cope.
I can be cracked, I can be made. I can be told, I can be played. What am I?
A joke
What is a behavior sign that someone might be stressed or anxious?
Avoidance of situations, distress in social situations, phobic behaviors, increased substance use, obsessive or compulsive behaviors.
What is the number someone can call if they are in a mental health crisis?
When someone uses substances to repeatedly and consistently deal with stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
What is self- medicating.
What is box breathing?
A type of breathing that helps relax the body and decrease heart rate allowing the heart to return to its normal rhythm.
The more you take, the more you leave behind and in the sand is the best way to see where I've been. What am I?
Feelings of helplessness, thoughts of suicide, inability to perform usual daily functions and responsibilities.
What is eustress?
Positive stress. (short term, exciting, motivative and can improve performance)
Practicing healthy habits, positive self- esteem, problem solving skills, sense of control, consistent routine, social/familial support, relationships.
All of these are examples of what?
Protective factors
What is another type of mindfulness exercise someone can do to relax their body and relief their stress?
Meditation, Guided Imagery, Journaling
I have a head, I have a tail, I am brown, but I have no legs? What am I?
A Penny
A sudden episode of intense fear that triggers severe physical reactions when there is no real danger or apparent cause can cause shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, chest pain, trembling or shaking, and sweating.
Panic Attack
What is distress?
Negative Stress (short or long term, unpleasant, makes tasks harder, may cause anxiety and concern)